


伯恩2011-04-28 15:44







我們看到了強大支撐的兩個區域。第一個位於34-37美元,第二個位於30-31美元之間。我們同樣描繪了300天移動均線的潛在路徑。我們認為其將在7月份觸及30美元。 200天移動均線可能會在7月底之前觸及32美元。

去年我們提到說基於1980-1981年之間的價格行為和各斐波那契目標,32-33美元為潛在的強大上升目標。 2008年的38%回撤至目前的頂點為34美元。





今早去利昌行一轉,去到一陣,就見到有位的士大佬,好衝忙跑入來,手握一條車匙,氣速速咁同利昌阿叔講,..."有無20斤"....咁阿叔就問 "20斤乜野呀"....個位的士大佬就話....."銀呀".....
















Short Sellers Now Screaming About a Buy Side Silver Conspiracy


It was only a matter of time. Now the talk of silver price conspiracies has shifted from long buyers to those on the other side of the fence. On April 21st, the historically anti-precious metals editorial staff of the London Financial Times ran an article titled "Silver Surge Prompts Conspiracy Theorists". Meanwhile, order was reestablished among the short side conspirators once the COMEX trading floor opened on Monday morning.
After silver prices had temporarily risen to over $49 per ounce during Asian trading, they were beaten down again to about $47 in a flood of newly opened short positions. From this return to discipline within the bullion bank ranks, we can assume that the Federal Reserve probably will temporarily halt QE-2 at the end of June or before.
At the close of business on Tuesday, April 26, 2011, the COMEX performance bond committee will, yet again, significantly raise silver margin requirements. We believe that this is an attempt to suppress prices and delay the inevitable reckoning. With the end of QE-2, short-sellers hope the exponential rise in the price of silver will also end. But, in our view, artificial price attacks in the futures markets are unlikely to help short sellers in the long run. The nexus of price appreciation is NOT at COMEX, but in the physical market. Physical silver buyers pay cash, and it doesn't matter to them how high or low COMEX committees set performance bonds.
If the performance bond committee is successful, they will manage to reduce the so-called "spot" price. In practical terms, however, the only thing they will have accomplished is to cause a few speculators to lose money while helping well-financed market vigilantes to buy more bars of physical silver for the same money. The bankers will then need to deliver even more physical silver than they would if the committee had done nothing. These futile attempts to fight back illustrate that a market manipulation cannot be effective in a market that is well aware of it.
The massive losses that short sellers have been taken has naturally led to some new urban myths. Some now claim that "evil" long side billionaires are out to "ruin" the market. Yet, even the Financial Times article points out the ridiculously paranoid nature of this theory. The author notes that silver prices were rising even as speculative positions at COMEX were reduced by 8.4%. This illustrates that the COMEX is now just a sideshow. A lot of people are simply buying physical silver.
The silver buyers do include some billionaires, undoubtedly, but most of them are simply folks who watched Jeffrey Christian's testimony at the well publicized CFTC position limits hearing back on March 25, 2010, and came away with the distinct impression that a small group of London banks have been creating alchemic silver. The banks were ostensibly "selling" and then "storing" so-called "unallocated silver bars" for silver investors. In reality, they seem to have been maintaining a fractional banking system in which only one physical ounce is really purchased for every 100 ounces they supposedly sell.
Let's go over that again...because once you understand the particulars, the reaction of the price of silver becomes perfectly understandable. 1) Bank sells silver, a very precious item, for big money; 2) Bank doesn't buy the silver it sells, or, if it does buy it, leases out or sells 99 ounces for every 1 ounce in the vault; 3) Bank gets paid "storage fees" from all its customers, even though their silver is not in the vault; 4) Bank profits are equal to 99 times what it sells initially, and then, the value of the stream of storage fees after that. Nice work if you can get it.
But, then there's the downside. 1) The market might discover your scam and you'll need to deal with investigations; 2) Leverage so high that, if discovered, it is a recipe for disaster; 3) Courts may deem the arrangement a fraud, in spite of disclaimers that say otherwise, and whereby customers waive liability for fraud; 4) the market will inevitably punish you severely with heavy losses after discovery of the scam. For more information on "unallocated storage" in London, see our previous article.
Had the worldwide silver scam remained a secret, suppression of precious metals prices might have gone on forever. But the genie is now out of the bottle and mortal men, not even those who run casino-banks, cannot hope to put him back in. Once it became clear that the bullion banks were leveraged 100 to 1 in a silver based fractional banking scheme, it was only a matter of time before the market clobbered them. That is what is happening.
People have only begun to scratch the surface of the precious metals markets, and few fully understand how undervalued all of them are. Silver has always been worth far more than it had been selling for in the last 30 years. People are starting to see not only this, but also how that corrupt pricing situation came to pass. The whole world now understands that the silver trade has been carried out in a deceitful manner for many years. So, naturally, many people are starting to buy physical silver again, just as they did for 10,000 years before COMEX began trading it. Those people happen to include, in all likelihood, a few billionaires, a few sovereign wealth funds, and a few Asian bankers. Many are politely refusing offers of "unallocated" bullion bank "storage".
The silver market is not rising because of a conspiracy. If so, it would be the most disorganized conspiracy that has ever existed. On the contrary. What we are seeing is the massive unwinding of a silver price control conspiracy that many of us predicted, in public or private for many years. The biggest scam in world history is ending. Sellers are now desperately trying to find metal. A lot of banks that were supposed to be storing silver are really storing air. Converting large amounts of air to large amounts of silver is difficult and bound to be costly. The process, once completed, will permanently increase the price of silver.
Intense upward pressure on silver prices is evident because physical silver is being purchased as never before. It is not stemming from trading on COMEX. In fact, deliveries at COMEX have been relatively small for several months. The process that is now ongoing is one that no performance bond committee can stop. COMEX could declare liquidation-only, as they did in 1980. The only end result would be to catapult the demand for and price of silver even higher. COMEX is now irrelevant except as a way for banks to bankrupt themselves if they continue to try to reduce the price of physical silver by manipulating futures prices there and taking on more short positions to do it. They can crash the paper futures price as much as they wish. It won't stop buyers from demanding physical silver in the real market outside COMEX.
The old prices were a result of a naive market, overwhelming short positions at the futures exchanges, manipulative trading techniques and a deceitful unallocated storage arrangement. The current silver pricing surge may look like a typical short squeeze, but it is nothing of the kind. It represents a permanent change in market perceptions. That is not to say that silver prices cannot fall, but the pressure to buy physical silver will continue to mount. When silver prices finally reach equilibrium, $50 per ounce might be the floor, rather than the ceiling. We don't know how high the price will climb under these circumstances.
One thing is clear. Buyers have discovered that they hold the power to defeat the largest financial firms in the world at their own game. But they still don't recognize the extent of their victory. Silver is the beginning, not the end. It is only one of the precious metals, but not the only one. The same unethical practices have been used for years to suppress the price of gold and platinum, for example. Both metals have been traded in a naive market, with overwhelming short positions at the futures exchanges, manipulative trading techniques and deceitful "unallocated" storage arrangements. There is no fundamental difference except that the metals have different names and appear at different locations on the periodic table.
Central bankers may be able to supply large amounts of the gold, for a while, to assist their minions in the commercial banking sector in the artificial suppression of gold prices. But, with emerging market central banks, the developed world's pension funds and university endowments, hedge funds and sovereign wealth funds all heavily buying gold, that resistance to the market cannot last forever. The most effective way to suppress gold would be to take steps to crash the entire world economy by cutting off most of the current flood of liquidity. However, even that would be only a temporary measure.
With stock prices collapsing, a mega shift from demand for stocks and bonds to demand for gold, silver and platinum would occur. One way or another, the current management of gold prices, which currently includes allowing a slow upward trend to relieve buying pressure without collapsing fiat currencies, will change into an explosion. This will happen with or without the help of market vigilantes.
So what will be the vigilante target after they are finished with normalizing the price of silver? Central banks like low platinum prices almost as much as low gold and silver prices. Manipulating platinum prices up and down helps bank profits. Since it has proven impossible to fully suppress price increases, the next best thing is to orient the manipulation process to create artificial high volatility, and thereby discourage conservative investors from buying the metal. This leaves more for industry at cheaper prices.
Platinum is an important metal in so many industries, not the least of which is the auto industry, that it seems to us that the Orwellian Ministry of Truth (aka, the New York Branch of the Federal Reserve) would strongly prefer a low, or at least, a very volatile price. Platinum, like gold and silver, also has a history of being used as money (in Russia) and possesses sufficient monetary qualities to be a significant threat to central bank emissions of fiat money. But, similar to silver and unlike gold, central bankers have no platinum reserves. Russia has large palladium reserves, but is unlikely to sell much, going forward, unless it is pressed against the wall by a steep drop in oil prices below its budgetary minimum (about $65 per barrel).
The platinum market is smaller than the silver market. The percentage of above-ground platinum is smaller, compared to consumption, than the percentage of above-ground silver. When the silver price revaluation runs its course, and silver is finally sell for a normalized value based upon its 16 to 1 ratio in the earth's crust, versus gold, we believe that vigilantes are most likely to turn toward platinum. We believe that J.P. Morgan Chase (JPM), accused of being one of the New York Federal Reserve's primary agents in manipulating stock, commodities and precious metals prices, knows this. It is actively buying huge amounts of physical platinum bars. Being 14.7 times rarer than gold, if platinum prices normalize to the metal's abundance, one troy ounce would be worth $22,000 right now, 14.7 times more than the current price of gold.
In a typical London Financial Times fashion, the silver long-side "conspiracy" article ends by saying that

History may be informative. After the Hunt brothers’ squeeze in 1980, the price of silver collapsed 80 per cent in four months.
Wishful thinking. We don't know where silver's price explosion will end. However, as more and more people realize that they have been duped into accepting fake prices for silver, bullion banks may need to buy 100 ounces of silver for every one ounce that is withdrawn. How high is that going to drive the price of silver? We'll leave that to you to decide.
Recently, we read an article published by Minyanville, which is usually a good source of information. But this particular Minyanville article advises buying U.S. dollars and selling silver short. The author claims not to be interested in past performance in making his decisions, but, then presents a chart of 1970s era silver prices to support his claim that the white metal is set up for a price collapse. There is great danger in blind adherence to charts. They are rear view mirrors, and cannot be used in the absence of common sense. If the focus of a driver's attention is on the rear view mirror, he will surely crash.
The first part of the Minyanville article recommended trade might work, because the U.S. dollar may rise for a while, if the Fed stops counterfeiting (aka quantitative easing) June. However, the second part of the trade will fail. At best, there will be a few weeks or a few months of fallout from the end of QE-2 if it happens. It is true that during that time the price could fall substantially, especially if helped along by the members of the silver price conspiracy. After that, however, it will be back to the races.
Assets in a collapsing stock market will eventually be shifted into precious metals. Since the silver vigilantes are extremely well capitalized, the main achievement of the price manipulators will simply be to allow them to buy more silver with the same money. In the end, their delivery obligations will simply be larger. Simply put, the old methods of price manipulation will no longer work against an informed market.
The question of where precious metals vigilantes' attention will turn after mopping the floor with the silver short sellers may be a moot point. If they manage to bankrupt the bullion banks (and associated hedge funds, shadow banking system entities, etc.), it will be game over. Free of price management, gold and platinum will join silver in a price explosion to the stratosphere, and they won't need any help from vigilantes. But private profit appears to be only one of the motives for silver market manipulators.
Another motive is to support irredeemable fiat paper money issued by central banks. Therefore, a massive bailout may save them from bankruptcy. After the short-side manipulators finally give up, many contracts for silver delivery will be settled for astronomical sums of fiat money. As schemes and scams continue to unwind, the next few years are going to be very interesting.

Disclosure: Long precious metals.



到底買真金白銀是忽悠 [註],還是那些叫囂買美債的人在忽悠 註]?!歷史必將給出答案!紙片能和金銀等值嗎?這麼淺顯的道理還用分析嗎?讓中國買入1.6萬億美元的不斷貶值和喪失流動性的美國國債和兩房債的人,難道不應該被好好問問責嗎?06年以來,金上漲2倍多,銀上漲4倍多,而美債呢?被套牢不說,還在忽悠!


註:「忽悠」 的本質是「不擇手段坑蒙拐騙」




April 25, 2011

KWN’s London source has updated King World News on the massive Asian buyers which have been accumulating gold and silver.  The London source stated, “$3 to $4 dollar days in silver will become common, from now on $2 days will be considered slow.  There will be a great deal of volatility going forward, but more often than not silver will close near the highs.”
The London Source continues:

“Right now the silver shorts are being flushed out in Asian trading on light volume and we have options expiration ahead of us.  38,000 silver contracts are in the money and the question is how many will ask for delivery? 

As I mentioned to you previously, the Asians have also been taking delivery of silver out of SLV and will continue to do so.  You have to understand that these Asian buyers are planning to take delivery of all of the available phyiscal silver they can get their hands on and will continue doing so for the foreseeable future.” 

When asked at what price the Chinese will stop buying silver the London source replied, “The Chinese want out of dollars and they will continue aggressively purchasing both gold and silver in order to diversify.  They don’t care whether silver is $50, $60 or $100, they will just continue accumulating.  The Chinese may be patient buyers, accumulating on weakness, but you can bet that their relentless purchases of physical silver will eventually push the price well over $100 an ounce.”

As Dan Norcini and I discussed this weekend on the KWN Weekly Metals Wrap, the Asians are steering the bus in the silver market as the paper shorts lost control some time ago.

Eric King


CME Group Raises Performance Bonds For Comex Silver Futures

 25 April 2010, 4:01 p.m.
Kitco News 

(Kitco News) - Margins needed to trade Comex silver futures are being increased by the CME Group and will take effect after the close of business on Tuesday, the exchange said Monday in a press release.
The move by the CME Group to raise the margin needed to trade – also known as performance bonds – silver futures on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange likely won’t come as a surprise given the heavy volume and more than $4 an ounce price swing in the metal on Monday. Futures traders had talked about the possibility this would occur because of Monday’s volatility. The CME Group is the parent company for the Comex and Nymex.








國內金銀價格屢創新高,與國際市場表現密切關聯。 4月6日至9日,紐約黃金期貨價格連續4個交易日創下歷史新高;在上週的交易中,紐約期銀價格上漲了7.6%,創下自2月份以來的最高週漲幅度。
國金期貨總經理助理江明德分析,黃金白銀的上漲根源還在於美元的持續貶值。儘管中國已開始收緊流動性,但是,世界範圍的流動性依然氾濫。一方面,美國實行量化寬鬆的貨幣政策,貨幣發行量大了,致使美元貶值。另一方面,歐洲開始加息,進入加息週期,因此,美元兌歐元進一步貶值。這進一步降低了紙幣信用,使得以美元定價的黃金白銀等貴金屬開始上漲。 “這是抗通脹的需要,目的是迴避貨幣的進一步貶值。”江明德說。

China Imports 245 Tonnes Of Silver In February And Qatar SWF “Interested” In Buying Silver


From GoldCore
China Imports 245 Tonnes of Silver in February and Qatar SWF “Interested” in Buying Silver
Gold and silver rose on the open in Asia and have continued those gains so far in European trading with the Libyan military conflict leading to a safe haven bid and falls in the dollar and yen. The all time and multiyear nominal dollar highs set on March 7th ($1,444.95/oz and $36.75/oz) look set to be challenged as gold is less than 1% from its record high and silver less than 2% from its nominal recent high.

Safe haven demand continues especially in Asia and macroeconomic and geopolitical risk remains elevated. The tragedy in Japan and possibility of an ecological catastrophe has clouded the economic picture and created even more uncertainty which will lead to continuing physical demand.

In Japan, many ATMs have not been working for days now and this is leading to safe haven demand for gold. Should efforts to sort out the ATM problem not be resolved this week it could out pressure on the already strained Japanese financial system.

Iran and Other Central Banks Secretly Increasing Gold Reserves 

News that Iran and other nations with large dollar currency reserves have greatly increased their gold reserves (see News) will not come as a surprise to our readers. It stands to reason that they would given the degree of exposure which most creditor nations have to the U.S. dollar. It also stands to reason as some of them do not have cordial relations with Washington and may be reluctant to fund the U.S. continuing imprudent fiscal policies.

Gold was not the only precious metal being bought with the FT reporting that the sovereign wealth fund of Qatar, the Qatar Investment Authority is reportedly interested in acquiring both and gold and silver.

The QIA has assets estimated to exceed $65 billion and this one sovereign wealth fund alone could easily corner the very small physical silver market which is worth some $36 billion at today’s prices (1 billion ounces of above ground, investment grade refined silver bullion multiply by $36 per ounce).

China Imports 245 Tonnes of Silver in February and Qatar SWF “Interested” in Buying Silver
Central banks and sovereign wealth funds with massive exposure to the dollar, such as the Russians and Chinese, are not going to shout from the roof tops their intentions to diversify into gold and silver bullion as this would lead to a surge in bullion prices and an even greater depreciation of their dollar holdings.

China imported 245.6 metric tons of silver in February. The figure is close to the 260.6 metric tons imported in February 2010 and suggests that the Chinese are more than willing to buy silver at over $30 per ounce. It also suggests that the record Chinese imports of 3,475,394 kilos seen in 2010 (a massive four fold increase from 2009) may be again attained in 2011.

This demand is likely from the private sector rather than official but it is quite possible that there has been official buying in recent months. This may have come from the Chinese State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) which manages nearly $3 trillion of currency reserves. The Chinese has experienced the collapse of a paper currency and hyperinflation as recently as 1949 and therefore appreciate the value of gold (and silver) as currencies which cannot be debased.

(Financial Times) -- Iran bought gold to cut dollar exposure
Iran has bought large amounts of gold in the international market, according to a senior Bank of England official, in a sign of how growing political pressure has driven Tehran to reduce its exposure to the US dollar.

Andrew Bailey, head of banking at the Bank of England, told an American official that the central bank had observed “significant moves by Iran to purchase gold”, according to a US diplomatic cable obtained by WikiLeaks and seen by the Financial Times.
Mr Bailey said the gold buying “was an attempt by Iran to protect its reserves from risk of seizure”.
Market observers believe Tehran has been one of the biggest buyers of bullion over the past decade after China, Russia and India, and is among the 20 largest holders of gold reserves.
They estimate it holds more than 300 tonnes of gold, up from 168.4 tonnes in 1996, the date of the most recent International Monetary Fund data.
The cable, dated June 2006, is the first official confirmation of Tehran’s buying.
Last year central banks became net buyers of bullion after 22 years of large sales, helping drive gold prices to all-time nominal highs. Trades by central banks are often kept secret.
Bankers said other Middle Eastern countries had also been quietly adding to gold holdings to diversify away from the dollar amid political tensions and volatility in currency markets.
“The totality of central bank reserves is not what is reported to the IMF,” said Philip Klapwijk, executive chairman of GFMS, a precious metals consultancy. “There’s probably another 10 per cent on top of that.”
Cables obtained by WikiLeaks cite Jordan’s prime minister as saying the central bank was “instructed to increase its holdings” of gold, and a Qatar Investment Authority official as saying the QIA was interested in buying gold and silver.
“There is no question some Middle Eastern countries are very interested in buying gold,” said George Milling-Stanley, head of government affairs at the mining industry-backed World Gold Council.
In the past two months, the political unrest in the Middle East has helped propel gold to a record price of $1,444.40 a troy ounce.
The Bank of England declined to comment on the cables, but did not dispute their contents. The central banks of Iran and Jordan and the QIA did not respond to requests for comment.QIA did not respond to requests for comment.

(MarketWatch) -- Mizuho's ATM crash may last to Tuesday or longer
Mizuho Bank's system-wide breakdown, which has led to millions of Japanese ATM users being unable to withdraw cash or receive salary payments, could have far-reaching implications and put a wider strain on Japan's banking system if its efforts to recover from the glitch fail this week.
The outages have affected so many people that Japan's Financial Services Agency, the nation's regulatory watchdog, is considering disciplining Mizuho, a person familiar with the matter said. The FSA was not immediately available for comment.
Mizuho is now facing its biggest system crisis in nearly a decade, amid a surge in demand for cash on hand as fears intensify from possible radiation leaks from a nuclear plant damaged by Friday's earthquake, coupled with the fact that most companies are increasing transactions toward the end of Japanese fiscal year through March 31.
The system crash, which Mizuho blamed on excessive deposit activity following the devastating earthquake, also comes at a time when other banks and industries are struggling to cope with intermittent power outages around the greater Tokyo region. Most banks have been forced to temporarily shut down some of their ATMs due to blackouts, while others are voluntarily shutting down their ATMs to help save power.
The retail banking unit of Mizuho Financial Group Inc. (8411.TO), Japan's third largest bank by market capitalization, said it aims to fully restore the system after the three-day weekend through Monday, but it remains unclear whether operations will return to normal operations on Tuesday.
On Sunday, Mizuho had operational level talks with its archrivals, the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp., over how they could help Mizuho with transaction settlements, in case Mizuho's troubles drag on, another person familiar with the matter said. Underscoring the gravity of the situation, the FSA has asked Mizuho's rivals to help it through this crisis.
The two lenders are considering shouldering some of Mizuho's load of unprocessed settlements. BTMU and SMBC, the core banking units of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. are looking into how many companies' payments they can handle without overburdening their own systems, the person said. Both banks were not immediately available for comment.
The lender's system glitch, which occurred from Tuesday, affected more than 1 million cash transfer orders worth about Y830 billion ($10.3 billion) so far.
270,000 transactions that were placed at the bank earlier this week, were processed, but 890,000 transactions including salary payments have been not yet processed, Mizuho said Sunday.
All of its 38,000 ATMs at its branches and convenience stores have been shut down between Saturday and Monday to speed up the system's recovery. In its place, Mizuho extended operating hours through the three-day weekend through Monday at its 440 branches for account holders whose salary payments have been delayed by the system problem, allowing them to withdraw up to Y100,000.
Mizuho Bank President Satoru Nishibori earlier said that the bank is still investigating the locations of the branches where the problems originated and establishing why the transactions failed to process, but determining the reason will take some time.
The breakdown is the most serious faced by Mizuho since 2002, when it experienced similar problems that led to delays in processing 2.5 million public utility payments and other account settlements.

(Bloomberg) -- Gold Climbs in New York as Allied Aircraft Attack Libyan Targets
Gold climbed for a fourth day in New York as investors sought a protection of wealth from air strikes in Libya and on concern unrest may spread in the region. Allied officials said two days of missile and aircraft strikes have effectively grounded Muammar Qaddafi’s air force.
The leader denounced the coalition allied against him, which includes the U.S., the U.K. and France, as “the party of Satan.” Yemen’s President Ali Abdullah Saleh fired his cabinet yesterday and faced a growing internal revolt. Gold futures reached a record $1,445.70 an ounce on March 7.
 As “tensions in the Middle East and North Africa region increase, the precious metals, particularly gold and silver, could be poised for further gains as investors seek to diversify towards safe-haven asset types,” James Moore, an analyst at TheBullionDesk.com in London, said in a report.

(Bloomberg) -- China’s Silver Imports in February Were 245.6 TonsChina’s imports of silver in February were 245.6 metric tons, the customs agency said. Imports of platinum were 7.3 tons and palladium shipments were 3.3 tons, it said today.



Re: 金價點睇 II?

TheGoldenMean » 週日 4月 24日, 2011年 2:55 am
好多人認為利比亞事件係由"黑金"引起, 外國有傳媒就話原因其實係"黃金",因GADDAFI 支持用黃金取代法幣.
再睇睇狂人GADDAFI,原來佢都係金甲蟲, 佢D金足以請僱傭軍打丈一年.  http://www.smh.com.au/world/gaddafi-sit ... 1c4cj.html

姑勿論GADDAFI係唔係金甲蟲, 打仗與黃金有冇關係, 上面條片個訪者,真係夠姜,直指黃金取代法幣係同銀行及政府對着幹.   :bbs46:
香港地,資訊及言論都 "好" 自由, 就係冇人夠姜起電視o甘講..........  


來源:Kitco金拓中文網 www.kitco.cn



紐約商品交易所Comex6月黃金期貨今天收於1,503.80 美元,本週上揚1.18%(注:Comex市場週五休市),交易價位一度高達1,509.60美元,同時5月期銀(本週)上漲7.6%,收於46.059美元/盎司。它的交易價位一度高達46.385美元。








在線時事通訊《莫里森看市》(Morrison on the Markets)的創始人兼編輯肯恩·莫里森表示:“這一次會有不同嗎?我對此表示懷疑。黃金價格可能很快會急劇回落至1,480美元(左右),而它會在那裡再次找到支撐。”


“我們認為不會出現任何大的變動,但是當然如果有什麼變化的話,那麼將會是因為美元正在大幅的下跌。我認為現在所有人都把目光投向了二次量化寬鬆,並且在拭目以待會不會出現三次量化寬鬆,”Coby Lamson資本管理共同創立者羅恩·科比表示。



West Cooper資產管理總裁法爾科表示黃金和白銀可能會面臨一些獲利了結和修正,不過長期的趨勢依然是上漲。 “我不知道有什麼會阻止這一情況。甚至白銀現在也有些表現失常,”他說道。



現在總的來說是一次很困難的投資,他補充說。 “沒有人有這一環境中的經驗。甚至那些在市場中待了50年的人,他們也從來沒有看到過這樣一種情況…你必須回到19世紀80年代才會看到類似的情況,”他表示。


 華府「犧牲」美滙托股債 - 潘國光

標 準普爾表示由於對美國削赤及減債前景不樂觀,故調低其信貸展望至「負面」。本欄讀者應該不會感驚訝,在過去的一年多,筆者已不斷提及美國潛在的負債及信貸 風險已直逼甚至超越南歐諸國水平。事實上,美國聯邦政府負債在這幾天至幾星期內將觸及14.3萬億美元的發債上限,相信在未來的兩至三個月,國會及兩黨將 繼續上演削赤爭辯之鬧劇。


上 周美股就標普調低美國信貸展望的第一個反應是下跌,市場覺得,若國會真的大刀闊斧地削赤,將嚴重打擊經濟增長前景。但後來再想深一層,白宮及國會現在談論 的所謂削減開支,大部份都是關乎2015年以後的預算,在2011年起的5年內,赤字將仍維持在過萬億美元的歷史水平。 







美國總統奧巴馬為期三日的削赤方案推銷之旅周四「曲終人散」,而他昨在加州帕洛阿爾托的Facebook總部舉行市民大會(town-hall meeting)時坦言,現時美國財赤劣況已惡化至不能忍受的地步,正面臨「關鍵時刻」,呼籲共和民主兩黨務必盡快就削赤方案達成共識,否則美國財政狀況 勢岌岌可危,甚至有出現債務違約的風險。


對於早前由眾議院預算委員會主席瑞安(Paul Ryan)制訂的預算案,奧巴馬批評指其預算案內容頗為急進,有點「目光短淺」,並非如外界形容般「有膽識」。

無人想孭鑊, 最好加限額喇.....Obama話後悔當初反對raise debt limits, 唔知選民會唔會都後悔選佢做總統呢?


WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States has never defaulted on its debt and Democrats and Republicans say they don't want it to happen now. But with partisan acrimony running at fever pitch, and Democrats and Republicans so far apart on how to tame the deficit, the unthinkable is suddenly being pondered.
The government now borrows about 42 cents of every dollar it spends. Imagine that one day soon, the borrowing slams up against the current debt limit ceiling of $14.3 trillion and Congress fails to raise it. The damage would ripple across the entire economy, eventually affecting nearly every American, and rocking global markets in the process.
A default would come if the government actually failed to fulfill a financial obligation, including repaying a loan or interest on that loan. The government borrows mostly by selling bonds to individuals and governments, with a promise to pay back the amount of the bond in a certain time period and agreeing to pay regular interest on that bond in the meantime.
Among the first directly affected would likely be money-market funds holding government securities, banks that buy bonds directly from the Federal Reserve and resell them to consumers, including pension and mutual funds; and the foreign investor community, which holds nearly half of all Treasury securities.
If the U.S. starts missing interest or principal payments, borrowers would demand higher and higher rates on new bonds, as they did with Greece, Portugal and other heavily indebted nations. Who wants to keep loaning money to a deadbeat nation that can't pay its bills?
At some point, the government would have to slash spending in other areas to make room for any further sales of Treasury bills and bonds. That could squeeze payments to federal contractors, and eventually even affect Social Security and other government benefit payments, as well as federal workers' paychecks.
A default would likely trigger another financial panic like the one in 2008 and plunge an economy still reeling from high joblessness and a battered housing market back into recession. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke calls failure to raise the debt limit "a recovery-ending event." U.S. stock markets would likely tank — devastating roughly half of U.S. households that own stocks, either individually or through 401(k) type retirement programs.
Eventually, the cost of most credit would rise — from business and consumer loans to home mortgages, auto financing and credit cards.
Continued stalemate could also further depress the value of the dollar and challenge the greenback's status as the world's prime "reserve currency."

China and other countries that now hold about 50 percent of all U.S. Treasury securities could start dumping them, further pushing up interest rates and swelling the national debt. It would be a vicious cycle of higher and higher interest rates and more and more debt.
The U.S. has long been the global standard for financial stability and creditworthiness, with Treasury securities seen as a fail-safe investment. But after the near-shutdown of the U.S. government and a new credit-rating report this week questioning the country's fiscal health, Treasury bills and bonds are losing luster.
If there is a debt limit deadlock, the government by this summer could find itself legally unable to borrow more money to pay its bills, beginning with interest on its debt and gradually extending to day-to-day federal operations. At some point, the government would have to decide which bills to pay and which to put aside.
The debt ceiling will be hit on or around May 16, the Treasury Department says. Unlike the threatened government shutdown, the impact would start slowly, but then build mightily until the damage would be so dire that few political leaders or economists even want to contemplate it. The day of reckoning could likely be delayed at least until early July with creative bookkeeping.
When the House first rejected the Bush administration's $600-billion bank bailout in September 2008, the Dow Jones industrials went into a dizzying 778-point tailspin. A whiff of a possible similar stock market collapse came on Monday with a sharp selloff on Wall Street when the Standard & Poors lowered its outlook on U.S. debt to "negative" from "stable," possibly a first step toward a possible downgrade of America's coveted AAA credit rating.
"We haven't downgraded it. We just said, if nothing happens, we may have to," said S&P chief economist David Wyss. He said a government default remains uncharted territory, "which is one reason why it's not a good idea to hit the debt ceiling."
"There's reason to worry," said Wyss. "But my best guess is that we sort of muddle through this. Cuts will be made, they'll be too little too late, but at least they will be enough to maintain a triple-A rating."
"It's another game of chicken. And this time there are Mack trucks going at each other, not bumper cars. This is a biggie," said American University political scientist James Thurber. But he predicted that, as in the past, "there will be an accommodation. They will avoid a crash."
Investment bank J.P. Morgan Chase recently concluded that any delay in making an interest or principal payments by the Treasury "even for a very short period of time" would have large "long-term adverse consequences for Treasury finances and the U.S. economy." The analysis is being circulated on Capitol Hill by supporters of raising the debt limit.
"If anyone wants to push that button, which I think would be catastrophic and unpredictable, I think they're crazy," JP Morgan CEO Jaime Dimon said recently of those seeking to block raising the debt limit.
House Speaker John Boehner and most other GOP leaders agree on the need to raise the debt limit and don't want to be held responsible for a new financial meltdown. Still, they want Obama to make more concessions on spending cuts than he has done thus far. That isn't sitting well with liberal Democrats, who think Obama has already given too much ground.
One reason the two parties can't find common ground: they can't even agree on what's causing high deficits. Democrats mostly blame it on policies of George W. Bush: two wars, tax cuts that continue to benefit the wealthy and an expensive prescription drug program. Republicans see government spending as the culprit, particularly on Obama's watch.
In fact, the main reason is the deep recession, which slashed tax revenues and led to hundreds of billions of dollars in recession-fighting spending by both Bush and Obama. The debt was $9 trillion in late 2007 before the start of the Great Recession, and it's just a sliver under the $14.3 trillion limit today.
Even though GOP leaders say they want to avoid more economic chaos, there is a large crop of tea-party aligned Republicans threatening to refuse to raise the cap under almost any circumstance. Polls suggest a large percentage of Americans oppose raising the debt limit.
The debt limit has been raised ten times over the past decade. Obama voted against Bush's debt-limit increase in 2006 as a senator, accusing Bush of "a leadership failure." Obama recently apologized for "making what is a political vote as opposed to doing what was important for the country."




發佈時間:2011年4月20日上午9:00(美國東部時間) 來源:Kitco金拓中文網(www.kitco.cn)
回答:他們的看法都錯了。 每一次,每一年。如果你持續把注意力放在這種錯誤的情報中的話,那麼你就會虧錢了。絕對地,毫無疑問,我可以保證。 他們每一年對未來金價了無生趣的評論被證明是完全的瞎編亂造,不過年復一年、日復一日,成百萬的讀者、觀察員、聽眾卻會繼續收聽另一則可怕的錯誤信息。
這些天,許多永恆的錯誤預測,預測黃金的繁榮期將結束的言論完全被來自屋頂大​​量嚷嚷金價將更加走高的聲音所淹沒。其中90%都是從眾心理。最早時候 1,000美元金價的預測在兩年前看來是完全荒謬的,但是現在看來還是相當保守的。 除了那些從眾的人,有很多吸引眼球的原因來支撐金價的走高,更加重要地是,金價和銀價比率正在漸漸縮窄。一年前,金銀比率為63,現在比率則為35,一年 時間幾乎跌了一半。 按照純粹的表現看,去年金價顯示了堅實的26.51%上漲,白銀更是遠遠超越黃金的表現,上漲123.55%,並且成為去年表現最佳的商品。就貴金屬的吸 引力來說,這一表現的影響戲劇性地改變了投資者的感知。
隨著這兩種貨幣金屬價格的上漲,以及它們價格差異的縮小,投資者越來越希望了解它們的價格將會如何變化。它們的價格會繼續顯著上漲嗎,或者它們的價格上漲 曲線會有持平點並且隨後上升嗎?這一上升價格曲線中會有一個將急速下滑的點嗎?白銀和黃金的價格曲線會在哪裡匯聚?金銀的適當比率又是多少?我們購買實 物、金銀幣、ETFs、黃金基金、高級礦業股或者次級勘探股嗎?哪種是最安全的?哪種是最有風險的? 首先讓我們來考慮一下比率的問題。

如果標題中所示的金​​銀率成為了現實的話,那麼這意味著只需要16盎司的白銀就可以買1盎司的黃金。如果比率曲線繼續 以目前的速率傾向於白銀上升的話,那麼再過一年,金銀比率就將達到16:1。 據約翰·斯蒂芬森的《商品投資》顯示,全球白銀的數量是黃金的16倍。 所以單從這一基礎來看,正確的價格比率應該是16:1。白銀多頭指出由於其廣泛的工業、攝影和珠寶的應用,白銀在貨幣金屬中是獨一無二的。

白銀協會2009年統計數據顯示全球白銀的供應量或多或少等同於對白銀各種種類的需求,包括製造和貴金屬鑄造。白銀的政府持有在2009年下跌了 1,370萬盎司,達到了10幾年來最低的水平。俄羅斯再一次占到了大部分的政府銷售,而中國和印度在2009年的市場參與度並不大。關於中國,金田礦產 服務公司表示經過了幾年的大量拋售以後,其白銀庫存顯著的下滑了。 如果金銀比率朝向16:1的話,那麼這意味著近期的價格區間為90-100美元/盎司。 如果金價朝向5,000美元/盎司,金銀價格比率依然為16:1的話,那麼白銀的價格將為312.50美元/盎司。 有什麼因素會支撐金價達到5,000美元的呢? 那就是美元。

整個全球金融體系現在陷於這樣一個情況,那就是我們除了允許美國繼續大量印製美鈔外,別無他法。現在並沒有單一的政治力量或者聲音來對這一瘋狂舉動做些阻 攔,這一瘋狂舉動正在日復一日的進行著,儘管金融主流媒體傳來了一致的抗議。 這就意味著價格會成比例的增長。通脹是為了經濟獲得增長,貨幣無限擴張的直接結果。因此,黃金和白銀將是這種政策的直接受益方。 與此同時,美國國債債權人和大量資產賬戶的投資者正在尋求退出他們的美元持有。

全球最大債券基金PIMCO(太平洋投資管理公司)以及其管理者比爾·格羅 斯現在正在做空美元。中國已經重申將減持美國國債。這也為其他主權國家發出了一個信號,那就是應該減持美元。

美股可再漲7% 金銀處在井噴階段


【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】 《巴倫週刊》稱,標普首席技術策略師 Mark Arbeter表示,美國股市的主要指標,已經突破始於4月初高點的下行趨勢。他在周四致客戶的報告中表示,標普技術分析人員目前認為,美國股市短期內有望創出新的反彈高位。






In the Bunker at JP Morgan.wmv


BRICS seeks revamp in global monetary system

Sanya (China), April 14 , (IANS) :

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - the BRICS group of fastest growing economies - Thursday called for a revamp in the global monetary system and signed a pact to use their own currencies instead of US dollar in issuing credit or grants to each other.

The path-breaking agreement was signed at the 3rd BRICS summit here attended by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Presidents Hu Jintao of China, Dilma Rousseff of Brazil, Dmitry Medvedev of Russia and Jacob Zuma of South Africa.

"Our designated banks have signed a framework agreement on financial cooperation which envisages grant of credit in local currencies and cooperation in capital markets and other financial services," economist turned politician Manmohan Singh told the media with other BRICS leaders.

But the agreement is confined to credit and not trade. BRICS economies hold 40 percent of the world's currency reserves, the majority of which is still in US dollars.

Under a tight security blanket, the BRICS summit was held in the coastal city of Sanya in China's Hainan island following which the leaders jointly addressed the media but did not take questions from journalists.

In their restricted session, the Indian prime minister and four presidents deliberated on the international situation and the financial, development, climate and security issues.

Hu said the world economy was undergoing profound and complex changes. "The era demands that the BRICS countries strengthen dialogue and cooperation (in this direction)."

Manmohan Singh, who also addressed the plenary session of the summit, said: "The quality and the durability of the global economic recovery process depends to a great measure on how the BRICS economies perform."
The grouping is expected to have a healthy global presence in the future as its member-countries are projected to contribute 48 percent to the global economy in the next decade.
At present they account for 40 percent of the world's population and 20 percent of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Calling for stronger regulation in commodity derivatives to arrest volatility in food and energy prices, the leaders said the rising inflation was risking the recovery of the world economy post the 2008 downturn.

"Recognizing that the international financial crisis has exposed the inadequacies and deficiencies of the existing international monetary and financial system, we support the reform and improvement of the international monetary system, with a broad-based international reserve currency system providing stability and certainty," they said in a joint declaration.
But they didn't specifically mention any currency like the US dollar or euro -- to be replaced as international trading medium.
Reserve currency, held in significant quantities by governments and institutions as part of their foreign exchange reserves, is also the international pricing currency for products traded on global market and commodities such as energy products or bullion.


人言報: 畢老林:大師講金一句到尾 標普「欺」美震撼市場

在投資評論界「德高望重」的Grant's Interest Rate Observer創始人Jim Grant,上周接受傳媒訪問,被詢及對金市的看法。大師即是大師,不拘泥於投資投機供需虛實等「招式套路」,一句到尾。Grant認為,將數字「1」除以英文字母「n」,得出的結果就是金價。





標普將美國主權評級列入觀察名單,Jim Grant的金價方程式,大可活學活用。隨着美國政客圍繞預算和債務上限的「鬧劇」引起包括評級機構在內的各方高度關注,終於玩出火來,而在大西洋彼岸的希臘,市場盛傳當局正尋求歐盟和IMF同意債務重組(此說已遭希臘財政部否認),「歐豬」債息再度全面抽升;加上美國第二大校產基金——德州大學投資管理公司——要求紐約商品期貨交易所(COMEX)交付總值10億美元的實金(physical gold),大有擔心交易所無法履行合約責任先「提」為快之意,一切以「信用」為本的貨幣/債務,以及全球投資者和公眾對其管理者的信心,正在不斷減弱。換句話說,Jim Grant方程式中的「n」,正以愈來愈快的速度萎縮,金銀焉能不升?





我為什麼那麼有把握說這種話,而不是像其他二桿子專家那樣告誡你一句“什麼切勿盲目追高,謹慎入市之類”的永遠都正確的廢話。聽了那些話你必定會一再貽誤戰機,以後追悔莫及。我之所以有把握說這種話首先是來源於對白銀大勢的深刻理解和洞察,同時也得到國際白銀市場的準確情報。據報目前國際白銀市場現貨極端吃緊!重複一遍,現貨極端吃緊!儘管今年以來摩根大通重新大規模增加空頭頭寸,增幅高達67%!但摩根手上根本沒有現貨, 只能用紙白銀唱空城計。但多方的司馬懿們已經非常清楚地知道摩根城中無兵。不管摩根,高盛們在城頭多麼面不改色地演奏,對多方來說完全是對牛彈琴。多方現在是毫無顧忌地往上沖,根本不怕中埋伏。實際上空方根本就無力設埋伏。情報來源表示,近期將要到期的白銀空頭正面臨違約的巨大風險。如果交不出現貨,就得被迫平倉,屆時銀價還要大漲。
漲到什麼價位呢?著名的白銀市場分析牛人大衛.摩根(注:此人與摩根大通不是一路)最近指出:“白銀價格在漲到每盎司90美元之前不會有像樣的回調。”也就是說在金銀價格之比回到歷史上的1比16之前,不會有大幅回調。另一位超級大腕儿,也就是《貨幣戰爭3》第十章“白銀的光榮與夢想”中濃墨重彩介紹過的那位世界頂級白銀分析專家,十多年如一日研究白銀市場,每週發表市場分析報告,並首先揭露摩根大通非法打壓銀價的那位泰德.巴特勒,本週表示:“銀價如此兇猛的暴漲,如果換了任何其他大宗商品,都必然會有大幅的回調。但這回的白銀卻不一樣。任何價格曲線,技術分析手段對白銀行情的分析現在統統失效了。因為銀價過去幾十年來一直遭到極為殘酷的壓制,現在這種壓制的末日正在來臨!”本人從2006年起就每週拜讀泰德.巴特勒的白銀市場分析報告。並追溯了他自2000年以來的幾乎所有能找到文章。本人在成千上萬種投資品種中對黃金白銀,特別是白銀情有獨鍾,與巴特勒的巨大影響是分不開的。巴特勒的評論風格相當嚴格並偏於保守。他的報告基本格調一貫是“前途光明, 道路曲折”。面對強大的華爾街勢力集團,他的分析評論常常帶有悲劇色彩。如今巴特勒竟然相當樂觀地評論說“現在這種壓制的末日正在來臨!”我們有充分理由相信這確實是正在發生的事實。據其他消息來源證實,摩根大通正在被廣大白銀實物搶購者打爆倉。儘管摩根大通比當年的貝爾斯登勢力雄厚得多,而且有美聯儲背後撐腰。但是這次他們面臨的是全世界幾十億銀民戰爭的汪洋大海。在白銀多空雙方的世紀大決戰中,摩根正在遭遇滅頂之災!
全世界現貨白銀數量極其有限。連地上帶地下的白銀儲量總共只有四五十萬噸。中國大陸地區有13億人口,以一家三口人計算,共有4億多家庭。如果每家購買1公斤白銀來做一個財富保險,那麼就需要4億多公斤白銀。即40多萬噸。也就是說把地球上所有地上地下的銀子加起來,也只夠中國大陸每家分1 公斤白銀。 1 公斤白銀有多少呢?也就是33塊銀元那麼一點。如果有大戶一戶就要屯幾十上百公斤的話,那就會有幾十上百家人一點也得不到。目前每天都有人大量吃進白銀現貨。每耽誤一天就有更多的人失去買進白銀的機會。另外別忘了白銀並不是上帝專給中國人準備得的。世界上所有的人都在搶購白銀。本週的新聞報導一貫偏愛黃金的印度人現在也在瘋搶白銀。這又是一個十多億人口的大國。此外歐美還有十多億人口,購買力世界第一。他們購買白銀的渠道比中國暢通的多!價格就是國際市場的實時價格,比中國市場成本低得多。有些美國人愛銀​​子的程度超出常人的想像。有一篇文章介紹過一個人,他是一名普通的底薪打工族。從上世紀九十年代初,他就發現白銀的投資價值。省吃儉用每月定期定量買進。到2008年我讀到那片文章時,此人已經積累了6萬​​盎司白銀。現在常常是白銀一天的的漲幅代給他的收入就超過他過去一年的工資。目前全世界的投資者都已經發現了白銀的巨大增值潛力。白銀這位“一代天驕”,正引來投資市場上“無數英雄競折腰”。本人認為白銀的漲勢可以用火箭發射衛星進入太空的過程來類比。









Indian Investors Switch to Silver From Gold


NEW DELHI -- Higher returns are tempting many small Indian investors to buy silver and sell some of their gold jewelry as the price of the white metal has more than doubled over the past year, traders said.
Spot silver prices rose to an all-time high of 60,125 rupees ($1364) a kilogram Friday in India's main bullion hub, Mumbai, from 28,535 rupees on April 12 last year, driven by firm global cues as concerns over unrest in the Middle East and North Africa have improved its safe-haven appeal. Gold prices too rose, but at a much slower pace of about 21% to 21,500 rupees per 10 grams.
"Ordinary investors are buying silver as if there is no tomorrow," Suresh Hundia, president emeritus of the Bombay Bullion Association, told Dow Jones Newswires. "Many people are selling their gold and buying silver because gold has not given them as good a return."
According to him, Mumbai alone is recording daily silver purchases of 400-500 kilograms.
Typically, most Indians prefer buying gold rather than silver for investment. The change in trend may hit gold demand to some extent this year in the world's largest consumer where 700-800 tons of the yellow metal is bought annually.
Mr. Hundia said the higher demand hasn't driven up silver imports.
"Most of the supplies are coming from recycled silver from wholesalers, who want to make a quick buck," he said, adding that monthly imports of silver were more or less static at around 30-50 tons.
The investment demand for the white metal is so high that there is a shortage of silver in the key western Indian bullion hub of Ahmedabad, said Girish Choksi, a bullion dealer based in the city.
At the same time, demand for gold is steady to lower.
Demand for gold in southern states such as Tamil Nadu and Kerala has crashed in the past 10-15 days due to a combination of high prices as well as ongoing state elections, which have made it difficult for people to carry cash for purchases because of law and order problems, said Krishna Kumar Nathani, managing director of Indiabullion.com.
"Elections have overshadowed gold demand for marriages... That demand will now come around June," he said.
Mr. Nathani said he expected a 10%-15% price correction in silver in May-June, but investors shouldn't panic because returns will still outshine that from gold over a period of a year or so.
"It has already beaten gold in the past one year and it will continue to do so because the scope for price growth is still more in silver."

【宋鸿兵高校公开课首站 对外经贸大学】

【宋鸿兵高校公开课首站 对外经贸大学】 多亏现场小记者忙前跑后,未到场的人现在大概也能体味到当时现场的气氛了吧!http://t.cn/hrJFxb









分析师:乔纳德(Jon Nadler)
2011年4月12日 上午10:16(美国东部时间)
在纽约时间上午8点20分,白银上扬43美分,开盘报40.65美元/盎司。在周一呈现剧烈波动后,这种白色金属于隔夜交易时段下挫到比40美元关卡低1美分的位置。昨天,市场的赌桌上出现了断定银价会下跌而投的高额赌注,有人买入了100万股iShares Silver Trust (SLV)的看跌期权——7月份到期,执行价为25美元。该赌注构成了美国交易所的最大单笔期权交易,并且这件事是发生在银价触及31年新高(接近42美元/盎司)的时候。
荷兰银行(ABN AMRO)关于金属市场的月度报告预测了2011年的供应和需求情况,并且如下总结了依然处于(供应)过剩中的银市状况:白银的矿产供应量预计会升至大约24,000公吨,二手(废料)供应量估计会达到11,370公吨以上,并且政府的白银出售量有望触及350公吨(比2010年的销售水平上升40%)。
分析师团队对铂金伦敦午盘的短期目标定价为:1,760美元/盎司 – 1,835美元/盎司,钯金的价格目标为760美元/盎司 – 840美元/盎司。后者今年二月份到达过858美元的高点,不过这也是在日本发生大地震前达到的。自那以来,汽车行业必须要处理一系列与生产困境相关的问题。


宋鴻兵指美國QE2完結後 市場面臨一場豪賭










菲利普斯2011-04-11 17:08

发布时间:201148  下午1:43(美国东部时间)




俄 罗斯、印度以及中国的“官方”白银出售似乎已经(或者即将)停止,而在先前的几十年中,它们不断出售这种作为铸币被储存、但又不再被用作货币的金属。在这 一点上,白银和黄金有一个共同点,因为央行们不再出售这些资产。不过,央行们并不十分需要白银,可它们对黄金的需求是大量且持续的。白银是否会被再次作为 一种重要的储备资产呢?

因为在上世纪的前半个部分,将贵金属完全作为硬币使用的现象逐渐消失,所以硬币面值和其所含有的贵金属(例如白银)价值之间的差距明显拉大。各国政府和它们的央行都想让那些硬币的内在价 值微不足道,这样的话,由政府透过货币政策所决定的面值就会是这些硬币的唯一价值。不过,实际的考虑要求货币包含一种硬币元素。政府采用这种‘法定’货币 体系是因为它们有单独控制货币体系的优势。这种做法也伴随着对贵金属所一直拥有的那种实际国际价值的脱离。没有什么东西能比硬币更好地体现出‘价值尺度’ 和‘交换手段’之间的分离。央行们还完全控制了货币的供应,它们根本不害怕金价的不断飙升会让自己受到批评。

当黄金和白银被作为货币时,【例如在1933年】,政府认为,世界非常需要扩大货币投入量来摆脱经济萧条。当时,唯一能够实现这一点的办法就是增加黄金的价值【之后是白银】,这允许更多的美元被发行。要 澄清一点,从黄金的角度来说,当时美元被贬值。黄金在当时是一种不方便携带的笨重物品,因为大量的黄金并非由央行持有。因此,就出现了充公的现象!一旦美 国央行获得了足够数量的黄金并且之后让美元贬值,银行体系中的美元就泛滥。伯南克先生使用了一个类似的策略来扩大美国【以及全球】的货币供应量,以避开通 缩。因为黄金和白银不能被随意发行和方便地携带,因此央行们发现将其作为‘交换手段’实在是过于麻烦。


真 正的通胀或者通缩不仅关系到经济增长,而且也和货币的供应量变化相关。任何掩盖通胀或者货币供应量变化的尝试都只能暂时性地奏效,经济的真实状况始终会暴 露出来【比如现在住房市场的低迷、高失业率以及看似的‘滞涨’都反映了经济的实际状况】。世界各国政府都喜欢通过对货币供应的管理来呈现“物价稳定”,但 是像量化宽松这样的工具却扭曲了这一点——他们只是试图用货币供应来刺激经济。简单地说,他们利用膨胀的货币供应来战胜通缩。









即 使是今天,当法定货币体系正在衰退时,一些人依然在通过抛售纸币换取实物金银来保护他们的财富。我们正在一个无法改变的趋势的开端。甚至是央行也已经开始 购买黄金,并且停止抛售。人们也将紧随其后。不过白银与黄金又不一样,就“官方循环”中的货币而言。其必须跟随黄金照亮的道路,在黄金被认为是全球货币体 系一份子之后,白银才可以有机会。甚至在那时,白银也只是黄金的一个次级伙伴。毕竟,白银的价格比较低,可以获得的数量也有限,因此白银要像黄金一样作为 衡量价值的工具还比较遥远。不过想象一下,如果白银被标价200美元/盎司的话,那么其作为货币的信誉将大大上升。如果人们可以把黄金和白银的比率固定在50的话,那么投资者将很乐意把白银当成为货币。
