
新的金融系統到位 - 預備新貨幣: “阿美羅”

New Financial System In Place--Get Ready For New Currency--"The Amero"

New Financial System In Place--Get Ready For New Currency--"The Amero"

August 22, 2011

Steve and Hawk,

The Bancor and real moves for a Chinese/Asian world currency is now on.

Most Banks are structured into a corporate flow chart to protect a refined
sub-tree of corporate groups once headed up by bank CEO's.

Bancor will give promise for the Treasury to begin exercising the Amero
to achieve the unification of N.America.

The recent visit between the VPs in China organized these parameters.

IT was stressed that the FED is in the business of world economic finance
and not war-mongering. Their responsibility will be to prove that there is the
8000 mt in stock for the US Government.

It is understood at the moment that they do not have cash capital to buy more
bullion at this time.

I had indicated year ago or more that the structure for the new world reserve is
gold backed, and those holding more than 100 M worth of bullion will be asked
to be 'partners' in the development by leasing their owned metal to the BIS/IMF.
The Swiss currency is not completely gold-backed incidentally. Sort of an ETF set up
giving corporate ownership to the investor as well. The strength of the Swiss Franc
is just one important strut in the new global currency agenda. China will be the other
strut for the ASEAN dollar advancements.


3 則留言:

匿名 說...

AMERO已經講左好多年囉,殊仔年代已經有,我仲以為此'計畫'唔成功,改由其他新貨幣頂上. 睇黎美元真係唔得啦.


honson 說...

回nlpsonia :

匿名 說...

千幾年前的新約聖經啟示錄已預言, 基督再來末日審判世界之前, 猶太人會在亡國數千年後回歸以色列復國, 這已在上世紀成真了; 其中也有提到, 會有一個喻為「敵基督」的人/政權, 會統一全球的政治,經濟及軍事, 假如世界貨幣真的出現, 意味著聖經預言的末日越來越近了。