
China’s SGE to raise gold, silver margin requirements from Sep 9


SHANGHAI (Commodity Online) : China’s largest Gold exchange, The Shanghai Gold Exchange will raise trading limits and margin requirements on its gold and Silver forward contracts on Sept. 9 to prevent excessive volatility.

In a statement,SGC said it will temporarily raise trade margins and daily trading limits for both its gold and silver forward contracts ahead of a long weekend to allow traders more latitude to adjust to overseas price movements.

Chinese exchanges are closed Sept 10-12 for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Trading margins for the gold forward contract, Au(T+D) , will be raised starting Sept 9 to 13 percent from 12 percent, while the daily circuit breaker would be lifted to 10 percent from 9 percent.

The Silver Gold forward contract, Ag(T+D) , will also see its trading margin raised by one percentage point to 16 percent, while daily movement will be raised to 12 percent, from 10 percent.

The SGE said the collateral and daily price limits for both contracts would revert back to their pre-holiday levels on Sept. 14 if those limits were not breached on the first day of market re-opening on Sept 13.


2 則留言:

嘉芙蓮 說...

is good for us who hold physicals!

honson 說...

Let's get Physicals!