
Marc Faber : the risk today as an investor is not to own Gold

Marc Faber : ......All I can say, the risk today as an investor is not to own gold, but it’s not to own any gold. If you have no gold at all, I think you’re taking a risk. And my advice is simply every month you put some money aside and you buy a little bit of gold. Depending if you’re very rich, you buy every month a ton. If you’re very poor, you buy every month an ounce or whatever it is, or a gram. But every month, you accumulate. You don’t worry about the price. Look to it and you just buy every month a little bit. And your grandchildren will be very happy about that unless the US government takes it away. That is a possibility with Mr. Bernanke. You just look at him. He’s basically not a particularly honest character. - in The Financial Sense Newshour


5 則留言:

Larry Milano's Den 說...


NCY 說...


Charen 說...

我先係"燈神"呀 XD

Charen 說...

BTW, I'm hold USD and waiting for 1350

honson 說...

為人民服務 ^_^