While I’m still researching all the other ways of how the Chinese may
be smuggling gold from Hong Kong into the mainland, I came across an
interesting video from CCTV in which is exposed how smugglers dig
tunnels underneath Honk Kong borders in order to transport “goods” to
places where there is demand for “goods”.
There are a little more than 7 million people living in Hong Kong,
though this special administrative region of the People’s Republic Of
China has net imported 510 tons of gold year to date.
I think everybody who has just one IQ point more than Ben Bernanke
can figure out that the Hong Kong population can never “consume” this
immense amount of gold by itself. The main reason for these mass net
imports is because Hong Kong is used to store gold for bullion dealers
from all over the world. Another reason is that half of all jewelry sold
in Hong Kong is bought by mainland tourist that bring it home
undeclared simply by wearing the jewelry on their bodies.
But now it seems there are other ways to bring gold to where gold is
in demand. If we look at the video we can see a tunnel of 80 cm high and
100 cm wide. Not particularly big enough for cars and boats to pass
through, but excellent for small valuable goods like gold (and drugs).
So maybe, just maybe, a small part of the 510 tons was exported to the
mainland through tunnels like these by people that were not so fortunate
to have a PBOC gold trading license.
In Gold We Trust