
Silver will soon be a reserve asset for a sovereign central bank     25-Aug-11

The Leader wishes to inform his readers that a sovereign central bank will soon announce that it is accumulating silver as a reserve asset.

Also he is advising those who have participated so successfully in the latest gold run to shift their entire focus to the silver market.

As to Jes Staley, The Leader will give his reply at the appropriate moment.

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Our old friend Wynter has once again let slip an interesting rumor , that " a sovereign central bank will soon announce that it is accumulating silver as a reserve asset. . . ( " 某中央銀行快將宣佈將會儲銀作為資產儲備" )

常言道 : 「空穴來風, 必屬苟噏」.
然苟噏之徒, 亦可以之借題發揮者. 姑錄之以觀後效可也.

云云眾國之中, 以墨西哥之「銀 / 人」比例較高, 以銀作為 reserve asset 亦最化算. 墨西哥銀元, 百多年前赫赫有名, 行銷世界, 遠及中國. 現今廢紙氾濫, 如再起用白銀重振聲威, 亦是順理成章.
況且墨西哥內有呼聲起用白銀, 亦蓋有年矣 :

