
Move on Over! Royal Canadian Mint to issue a REAL gold backed certificate!

It seems that the RCM now wants a piece of what seems is the investment of the decade, but is doing it much differently then SLV/GLD.

If I'm a betting man, which I am, I would be betting that the Royal Canadian Mint is setting itself up as the go to elite "paper" certificate exchange program.  They quote, "Unlike other gold investment products, the purchaser of an ETR owns the actual gold rather than a unit or share in an entity that owns the gold." Hint hint SLV and GLD.
Basically saying, move on over ETF's- run by the Morgue and other fraudulent non-phyzz-backed garbage- the world is figuring out you are full of shit with SLV and GLD.
Would you rather be holding paper backed by a world class Mint, or entities that openly naked short and dismantle/manipulate any form of free market trading in the precious metals? (depends where you are from as these two entities may be in fact both be full of shit when TSHTF).
Choose you paper certificates wisely and remember: If you don't hold it in your own hand, YOU DO NOT OWN IT.
Prepare accordingly.
Click here for entire article

3 則留言:

Lisa 說...

睇來大家都預期金銀就來短缺, 所以都出紙金銀來填補 @_@

honson 說...


Gordon 說...
