
Drinking silver will turn you blue - and here's why

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By Tia Ghose, LiveScience 
Homeopathic medicine, colon cleanses, juice fasts: Of all the unproven health remedies, one of the weirdest may be taking colloidal silver. People drink the silver solution in an attempt to keep infections at bay, but those who drink too much turn a disturbing shade of blue-gray, a condition known as argyria. 

Now, researchers have figured out why too much of the shiny drink can leave someone looking like the Tin Man. The same chemical process that develops black-and-white photographs also pigments the skin, according to an October 9 study in ACS Nano. 

"It’s the first conceptual model giving the whole picture of how one develops this condition," said study co-author Robert Hurt, a researcher at Brown University, in a press release.
Enthusiasts of colloidal silver believe the metal's antibacterial properties will keep them from getting sick. There's no proof it works, but there is proof that taking too much can leave people permanently blue. 

To find out how that happens, Hurt's team added silver to chemical mixtures to mimic the conditions in the human stomach and intestines, and also created a mock-up of human skin tissue. 

The team found that stomach acid strips silver atoms of one electron (electrons have a negative charge), making a positively charged silver ion, or salt. The silver ion then seeps into the bloodstream through channels normally only used by other salts. From the bloodstream, the salts wind up in the skin. 

When light hits the skin, electrons from the surrounding area immediately bond to the silver ions, turning them back into silver atoms. The chemical conversion results in darker particles, and the skin turns blue. The same chemical reaction is used to develop black-and-white prints.
So far, there's no known way to reverse the trend. To avoid looking like a Smurf, it's probably best to avoid the health tonic altogether.

8 則留言:

Larry Milano's Den 說...


Gordon 說...



Lisa 說...

我氣管敏感咳咗一年多, 而醫生藥食咗就止, 一停又咳返, 身體又愈來愈差, 所以今年三月索性開始飲膠性銀, 一日一匙, 飲咗兩支 59ml, 就咳少咗, 痰又少咗 !
上個月又咳返, 所以又開咗支 59ml 飲緊 !

honson 說...



Gordon 說...




爾凡 說...

Lisa 姐
你有沒有看中醫? 我氣管差,咳親最終都要用類固純, 食中藥1個月左右就好,
不過我要每天lunch time由中環到佐敦喝藥,地鐵成本重貴過煮藥費!!!

Lisa 說...

我唔睇中醫, 因為怕飲苦藥 !
依家好返好多啦, 會煲藥材補身 !
要戒口唔可以食辣椒, 胡椒粉, 蜜瓜, 煎炸野, 防腐劑 !
都唔知點解D食店好鍾意加辣椒, 明明是無辣椒餐都加, 所以一出去食飯就死得 ! 某 D creame 有好多防腐劑, 在英國期間仔女買蛋糕俾我食, 一食完就差 D 無曬聲 ! 上兩星期在朗豪坊買咗 puff, 一食完哮喘又發作, 証明佢加咗好多防腐劑 !
所以留屋企自己煲野食會好好多 !
膠性銀可以當補藥食, 佢寫可以一日飲七次一茶匙, 不過我只一日飲一次一茶匙, 而黃痰可以消失, 証明有用 !

Lisa 說...

自己做咗白老鼠試藥 XDDD !