大陸挑戰美元霸權 全面擁抱黃金
匯豐銀行的黃金倉庫一直以來都是媒體關注的焦點,主要有以下幾個原因:首先,匯豐銀行的黃金倉庫儲藏了大量黃金交易基金的標的黃金,主要包括投資者所熟知的SPDR黃金基金等;其次,匯豐銀行的黃金儲備庫是除了英國央行和摩根大通之外,世界第三大黃金儲備倉庫;第三個原因是匯豐銀行位於英國的黃金倉庫一直是非公開的,這引發人們濃厚的興趣;最後就是匯豐銀行常常會自己爆出一些有關黃金倉庫的影像資料,最被人所熟知的是匯豐銀行讓CNBC的攝影師Bob Pisani進入黃金倉庫內部拍攝並製作了視頻。然而匯豐銀行的保密工作真是做的太好了,到目前為止都沒人知道他們的倉庫到底在哪兒,甚至連是否存在都令人懷疑。不過俗話說,世上無難事只怕有心人。有人通過對一些現有資料的研究大致推測出了匯豐銀行的秘密黃金倉庫所在地。首先在2007年下半年,在STREETTracks黃金交易基金的網站上找到了,四張包含“匯豐銀行倫敦黃金新倉庫”字樣的照片,這些照片的標題都是“託管於匯豐銀行英國黃金倉庫”。
2008年1月11日,MarketWatch網站和SPDR黃金交易基金向SEC提交的一份文件都提到匯豐銀行的一個新的黃金倉庫。文件顯示“StreetTracks黃金交易基金將按目前價格值180億美元的黃金存放在了一個更大的倉庫裡。”“世界黃金協會的發言人George Milling-Stanley也表示,由於StreetTracks的黃金儲備增長快於預期,六個月前他們的經理不得不將這些黃金轉移到一個更寬敞的地方。”
「惡魔金屬」飆漲4% 一腳跨入牛市
沙特恫言拋售千億美債券 防美通過沙特涉恐法案
黃金期貨價格今年第一季跳升 16%,創 30 年來最佳首季表現。加拿大皇家銀行資本市場 (RBC Capital Markets) 如今將今年底目標價大漲 13%,由原本預期的每盎司 1150 美元調高至 1300 美元,因美國通貨膨脹再起,但聯準會 (Fed) 的貨幣政策立場卻維持寬鬆,可能引發金市重現 1970 年代的漲勢。
RBC週日 (10 日) 發布報告預估,今年平均金價將較原本預期再漲 9%。週一紐約 4 月交貨金價又勁揚 1.8%,報每盎司 1258 美元。該行看多金價的理由,包括中國及印度等實體黃金主要進口國的需求穩定、實質利率低落推高黃金的保值吸引力、全球國家央行對黃金的胃口仍強,以及黃金 ETF 淨流入資金強勁。
RBC 指出,Fed 主席葉倫 (Janet Yellen) 上個月於紐約經濟俱樂部 (Economic Club of New York) 發言時表示,「實質聯邦基金利率」的中立水準很可能接近 0%;而若以美國核心個人消費支出 (core PCE) 來計算,目前的利率水準甚至還更低,只有 –1.25%。
此外,Fed 決策官員開始越來越擔憂,通膨可能逐漸脫離較長期的穩定水準,但卻是下行,這意味美國實質利率降低的機率很可能增加。Fed 立場轉變,加上今年頭兩個月全球市場劇烈震盪後,投資人預期有此結果,驅使黃金 ETF 爆發可能是 2011 年以來首見的持續買氣。
RBC 表示,全球黃金 ETF 的實金需求,是這波金價漲勢主要動力,從圖一可見。其中規模最大的道富財富黃金指數基金 (SPDR Gold Trust)(GLD-US),今年來增持的黃金規模眼看將創 2012 年以來新高。而從圖二也可看出,今年來黃金 ETF 持金量與黃金淨多部位一同攀高,帶動金價漲勢。
RBC 解釋,在正常環境下,當市場預期通膨而非通縮,但通膨率卻不高甚至走跌,則實質利率──即名目利率減去通膨率──傾向正值。在這種情況下,持有黃金的成本便相當於該實質利率,使得金價走勢與實質利率的走勢呈現負相關。
RBC 以美國 5 年期通膨率交換 (inflation swap) 代表預期通膨水準,以美國 10 年期公債殖利率代表預期的長期利率,以此來估算市場預期的實質利率走勢,如圖三所顯示。RBC 發現,近年實質利率走勢似乎重蹈 1970 年代的覆轍。
此外 RBC 也見到,自 2008 年以來,金價與美國實質利率的負相關連動性高漲,如圖四所示。根據歷史上實質利率與預估金價的連動估算,若美國實質利率為 –0.5%,暗示金價應該會來到每盎司 1380 美元水準;實質利率若 –1%,則金價便可能衝上 1546 美元。
全球央行吹响“宽松”号角 黄金冲击1260白银疯涨
FX168讯 国际现货黄金周二(4月12日)亚市盘初曾进一步刷新1259.60美元的近三周高位,随后回落至1255美元附近盘整。周一(4月11日)因全球主要央行继续实施超低利率的预期升温,且美联储货币政策的不确定性打压美元走软,金价获得提振大涨逾1%,并刷新1258.70美元的近三周高位,而白银更是一度上涨近4%,接近16美元关口。
主要央行宽松预期升温 金价升至近三周高位
(黄金30分钟 来源:FX168财经网)
德国商业银行分析师Daniel Briesemann称,“多家央行奉行非常宽松的货币政策,应该推动金价走得更高。欧洲央行已经扩大了国债购买计划,且没有排除进一步刺激措施。”
法国农业信贷银行(Credit Agricole)首席经济学家尾形和彦周一(4月11日)在报告中称,该行目前预期日本央行(BOJ)将在今年4月扩大宽松举措,原先预期为6月,但进一步扩大负利率对央行来说可能十分困难。
美联储4月加息或告吹 6月仍存在可能性
美国达拉斯联储主席柯普朗(Robert Steven Kaplan)周一表示,对在6月中的政策会议上决定是否加息持“非常开放的态度”,此番言论似乎消除了本月稍晚会议行动的可能,因经济形势还不明朗。
另外,美国总统奥巴马周一与美联储主席耶伦(Jannet Yellen)会面,并讨论了劳工市场和经济面临的可能风险,同时还讨论美国近期和长期的经济前景。
麦格理集团全球利率及外汇策略师Thierry Albert Wizman表示,“底线在于,4月加息看似不太可能。”不过,他补充道,FOMC认为渐进加息路径仍为合适之举,6月仍有加息的可能性。
金价涨势强劲 机构整体情绪乐观
瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)上调今年黄金均预期10%至1270美元/盎司,将明年金价预期上调12%至1313美元/盎司。
法国外贸银行商品分析师Bernard Dahdah预计未来一个月金价将在1200-1250美元/盎司区间波动;他表示美联储加息与否左右着金价的走势,目前许多分析师预计美联储将在6月加息。
华侨银行(OCBC)分析师Barnabas Gan表示:“市场对全球经济有些紧张,而黄金是受偏爱的避险资产。短期黄金市场将依然受到支撑,但今年晚些时候,金价会有些回落,因为美联储将会有两次加息。
全球最大黄金支持上市交易基金SPDR Gold Trust持金量上周五下跌,总持有量减少了0.22%至817.81吨。
FX168讯 近几年各国央行的大幅宽松政策使得一些回归金本位的声音开始出现,而与此同时,在伊斯兰金融系统中,金本位却已经先行一步。
一名为伊斯兰金融机构的会计和审计组织工作的沙利亚法专家Mohd Daud Bakar表示:“目前已经在最好一稿了,非常接近最终结果。”
世界黄金协会(WGC)的主管Natalie Dempster表示:“数以百吨的新黄金需求将就此被创造出来,这一标准会弥补市场的一个重要缺口。”
Yes, the Dollar Should Be Backed by Gold...
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina – “What if you were appointed to head the Fed? In your first week on the job, what would you do?”
The question was not exactly serious. Neither was the answer.
“We’d call in sick.”
Drying Winds, Hungry Cattle
We are on our way to the family ranch in northwestern Argentina. We’ll spend a couple of days in Buenos Aires… then fly up to Salta.
From there, it’s a six-hour drive, up and over the mountains, on dirt roads – stopping by a cattle ranch to inspect some of our animals – until we finally reach lasala, our ranch headquarters.
It’s been a hard year in the mountains.
Normally, we get about 5 inches of rain annually. But this year, the ranch has gotten only half its usual allotment. All of that moisture falls in January and February. Not another drop will drip on the ranch until next year.
That leaves another nine months of drying winds and hungry cattle.
But that is just the beginning of the bad news… More to come when we report from the ranch later this week.
In the meantime, we return to tackling the world’s problems.
A Return to Gold
Drought, old age, traffic congestion, meanness, purple drink, bad taste, rap, suburbs, cancer, government, Hillary Clinton, restaurant music, shorts, Facebook, obesity – there are a lot of things wrong in the world.
And most of them are not easily put right.
But there are some problems that could be solved overnight. Economic and financial problems, for example, solve themselves… if you let them.
Almost all the macro-money wounds suffered by the modern world are self-inflicted. Central banks and treasury departments around the world keep shooting themselves in the foot. But rather than stop manipulating the system… they buy another pair of shoes.
If we were miraculously appointed by President Trump to run the Fed, our first act would be to put the gun down.
We would announce that, henceforth, anyone waiting for the next rate hike would have to wait a long time. Because we wouldn’t be making any rate hikes… or rate cuts either. Instead, interest rates would have to take care of themselves. Lenders and borrowers would set their own rates.
But what about if banks got into trouble?
Ah… we’d take care of that too. We’d point out that the Fed would no longer lend to them in an emergency.
Our announcement: “To any bank that runs out of money: Drop dead.”
Then, we would put the entire Fed balance sheet – the more than $4 trillion in dodgy bonds it bought over the last eight years – up for sale.
And we would send layoff notices to the entire staff… telling them to clean out their desks, admonishing them that henceforth they would have to seek honest employment or try to land a job on Wall Street.
Had we the power, we would take one further step: We would declare that Americans could use whatever currency they wanted, that the dollar would once again be exchangeable for a fixed quantity of gold, and that the U.S. Treasury would accept any major currency – including bitcoin – in payment of taxes.
See how easy it would be? All of the heavy lifting could be accomplished before lunchtime on our first Monday on the job.
Then we would slip out the back of the Eccles Building… with luck, just before posse caught up to us.
Solid Dollar
And yet, those simple changes would eliminate most of the money troubles facing the U.S.
With no further gas coming in, the debt bubble would deflate. Bad investments, bad business, and overpriced assets would all lose air… and disappear.
The dollar would be solid again. It would represent real value, not counterfeit wealth.
Borrowing would be based on real savings, not just more hollow credits.
And – with only scarce capital to work with (rather than an unlimited supply of phony-baloney credit) – investors and entrepreneurs would be careful about what they did with their investments.
They would put capital to work only in projects that increased the real value of America’s assets, rather than those that merely shifted wealth from Main Street to Wall Street.
Admittedly, this would be a lot for the American people to take in. Most people have no idea how the money system works. The credit dollar is all they know. And they still have faith that the big heads at the Fed know what they are doing.
The newspapers and pundits would howl in alarm. Respectable economists would choke on their indignation. Lynch mobs would form. They would call our program “radical” and “irresponsible,” unaware that today’s system is the most radical, experimental, and irresponsible in history.
Our proposals would take the country back to a traditional and sensible money system. People would decide for themselves what kind of money they wanted to use… whether to save it… or spend it… and what price to put on it if they wanted to lend it out.
Would it work?
We don’t know, but we’d like to see someone give it a try.
金價強勢 好淡爭持
How America will return to the gold standard
From Porter Stansberry in Stansberry Digest:Nobody said a word for five blocks…
A few days ago, I (Porter) walked out of a dinner meeting at the Metropolitan Club of New York. I can remember every sight and sound. It all plays back in my head like a high-definition movie. This is not an April Fools’ Day joke, unfortunately. This is a true story, down to the last, incredible, detail.
It was 9:43 p.m. It was Tuesday night. It was about 45 degrees. I was with two of my closest friends and colleagues. There was no wind. Traffic was light. We took a left on Madison, heading north. We went to Club Macanudo on East 63rd Street for an after-dinner drink.
And like I said… nobody said a word.
I was in shock. It felt like I was walking away from a car accident. My adrenaline was pumping. My mind was racing. I couldn’t fully process what I had just learned… but I had never been so afraid – not like this.
At the last minute, I had been invited to have dinner with one of the most powerful men in the world. This man guards his reputation closely. For reasons that will become clear, he does not want to be named in this story. You would immediately recognize his name and you would certainly know his reputation.
His career has spanned the last 40 years and includes stints at the highest levels of the U.S. government. For the last dozen years, he has served as an advisor to the world’s wealthiest men. He sits squarely at the nexus between government policy and the country’s wealthiest and most influential people.
He invited me to dinner on the fifth floor of the Metropolitan Club. Few people outside of New York know about this club. But it’s one of the ultimate bastions of wealth and privilege in our country. Built by J.P. Morgan himself, it sits on the southeast corner of Central Park on Fifth Avenue.
Among other notable events, investing legend Warren Buffett celebrated his 50th birthday there. The most powerful and wealthiest people in the country meet there for dinner. The real policies that run our country get debated and decided there.
I was with two friends that night – our director of business development, Mark Arnold, and Erez Kalir, a well-known and successful hedge-fund manager.
Before coming to Stansberry Research three years ago, Mark was a partner at one of the largest venture-capital law firms in the U.S. He has worked on hundreds of major funding deals. He received his undergraduate degree from Duke and he has both an MBA and a law degree.
A few years ago, Erez managed around $1 billion as part of the Tiger Management group – the hedge-fund family controlled by legendary investor Julian Robertson. Today, Erez runs a small, private investment-advisory business… whose name you might recognize. (It’s called Stansberry Asset Management.*) This firm – which is separately owned and managed – licenses our name and uses our research to build portfolios for high-net-worth investors.
Erez is the smartest investor I have ever met. He received his undergraduate degree from Stanford, was a Rhodes scholar, and graduated from Yale Law School, where he was on Law Review.
You need to understand… the people I was meeting with that night were not conspiracy theorists. They are smart, experienced professionals who know the world (and the major players) of finance inside and out. They do not scare easily. They have seen panics, booms, and busts all around the world. And yet… what we learned at dinner sobered all of us and affected us in a way no other discussion in my career ever has.
Our host – who, by the way, was scheduled to appear on national television at 10 p.m., immediately after our dinner – began the meeting by describing discussions among senior policymakers in the U.S. about the possibility that the U.S. will follow Europe and Japan into negative interest rates. You probably haven’t noticed, but despite the big rebound we’ve seen in the stock market, sovereign interest rates (as measured by the yield on the U.S. 10-year Treasury bond) have continued to fall. In the first quarter of the year, the yield fell from 2.27% to 1.77%.
According to our host, among U.S. policymakers it was becoming a foregone conclusion that since Europe (one of our major trading partners) and Japan were both using negative interest rates to weaken their currencies and to avoid deflation, that it was only a matter of time before the U.S. would do the same.
The likelihood that the U.S. will implement a negative interest-rate policy (or “NIRP,” for short) is worrisome. You might have heard about this new kind of monetary policy. It’s like capitalism turned upside down. Instead of being paid to save capital, you’re forced to pay just to keep the money you’ve already earned. Negative interest rates are nothing more than government theft. Its banks literally steal from you every day that you keep your money in dollars, yen, or euros.
The dinner I attended wasn’t about these kinds of NIRP policies, though. Our host was assuming that negative interest rates would certainly occur in the U.S. The problem he wanted to talk about that night wasn’t whether NIRP would happen in America. He wanted to discuss what would happen next… and how the government could possibly put capitalism back together if all hell broke loose under NIRP.
Here’s the hypothesis: What if NIRP spread globally? What if they’re implemented around the world in every major paper currency? Think of it like dominoes. Japan has done it. Europe has done it. Sweden, too.
And last night, China became the latest major domino to fall. The overnight Hong Kong interbank offer rate (“Hibor”), which determines the rate that banks in the city have to pay to borrow Chinese yuan from each other, fell to negative 3.725% annually. Who in his right mind would want to hold yuan if it costs nearly 4% a year just to keep his money in a bank?
America is likely next. If all of the world’s major reserve currencies begin paying negative interest rates, the Federal Reserve will have to follow. Otherwise, the dollar would soar and crash our economy. So if all the major banks in the world are charging negative interest rates… where will the trillions and trillions of dollars in overnight banking deposits flee to next?
Imagine you’re the head of $300 billion reinsurance giant Munich Re. You must hold huge cash reserves so you can pay claims, should they arise. Millions of people around the world depend (and have paid for) the guarantees you’ve made to protect their homes, businesses, properties, and entire cities.
And now, instead of earning interest on these reserves, your company must pay huge sums of money simply to keep your capital safe. What will the people who run firms like Munich Re… or JPMorgan Chase… or Japan’s huge Sumitomo Mitsui Banking do with their capital? How can they keep it safe in an era of negative interest rates?
And what will individuals do? Where would you put your money if Bank of America and Wells Fargo began taxing your wealth and your savings every day, instead of paying you interest? How would you keep your money safe?
Let’s see what people are actually doing when faced with this conundrum. Munich Re is responding to negative interest rates by hoarding cash (tens of millions)… and by holding almost 300,000 ounces of gold. Media reports claim the firm has been an active buyer in the gold market. As Bloomberg News says…
Trust me when I tell you… Policymakers in the U.S. are cognizant of this risk. This isn’t a doomsday scenario… It’s happening right now. These risks are exactly why gold has seen its biggest quarterly move higher in more than 30 years.
The run has started.
Look who is suddenly buying gold… former vice chairman of the investment bank Goldman Sachs John Thornton is now running Barrick Gold, one of the world’s largest gold producers. Goldman has already purchased three tons of physical gold for its house account.
Stanley Druckenmiller – one of the most successful investors of the last 30 years and former head of the Quantum Fund – holds about 30% of his personal portfolio in gold.
The same is true across the top echelon of Wall Street’s best hedge-fund managers: John Paulson owns stakes in several gold-mining companies. David Einhorn is a huge gold bull, with more than $100 million invested in gold stocks. Paul Singer says it’s the only real money. Ray Dalio – founder of Bridgewater, the largest hedge fund in the world – says, “If you don’t own gold, you know neither history nor economics.”
I could go on, but you get the point. Billionaires are suddenly hoarding gold and expounding on its role in history. Doesn’t that make you wonder what’s really going on behind the scenes? More and more senior people in finance are buying huge amounts of gold. Why? Because of what I learned at dinner just a few nights ago…
After outlining the risks of NIRP and the inevitable run on paper currencies these policies will produce, our host at the Metropolitan Club asked us a simple question…
He then explained there would only be one sure way to gain control of the system: To use gold. He noted that the U.S. Treasury owns more gold than anyone else in the entire world.
The details about the Treasury’s gold hoard are important to the story. So for review, the U.S. Treasury owns 248 million ounces of gold. It’s held, mostly in the form of gold bricks, at three locations: Fort Knox, West Point, and the U.S. Mint in Denver.
Also important… you should know that about two-thirds of this gold was essentially stolen from private U.S. citizens in 1933, when FDR outlawed the private ownership of gold. The right to own gold wasn’t reinstated until 1974. All of the confiscated gold was melted down into bricks. Then, in 1937, it was put on a special nine-car U.S. Army train and shipped to Fort Knox. Since then, just about the only people who have been allowed to see the gold are auditors from KPMG. No one else is allowed inside.
Our dinner host explained what would happen to this gold if NIRP policies caused a global run on paper money. And that’s when I got genuinely afraid…
The only way to re-establish credibility and regain control of the financial system in the event of a global run on paper currencies would be to re-establish the U.S. dollar’s convertibility into gold. Our host described the means for accomplishing this goal. The Fed, he said, could offer to swap all of the Treasury bonds it holds (about $2.4 trillion) for all of the gold owned by the U.S. Treasury. When you do the math, you come with a new dollar-to-gold ratio of $9,677. Roughly $10,000 an ounce.
Our host went on to describe several important nuances to how such a system would work, which goes beyond the scope of today’s Digest. I want to make sure you understand three key things I learned at this meeting…
- The first thing you must understand is the world’s system of paper money is unraveling. The only way to prevent a collapse of the banking system under the weight of outrageous sovereign debts is negative interest rates… the very thing that will spark a run on the system itself. The inevitability of this outcome is already influencing the behavior of the world’s largest banks, insurance companies, and the wealthiest investors. And they’re all going to do one thing: Buy gold.
- The second thing you should know is that as this crisis unfolds, people in and around government who understand how to use our country’s gold (most of which was stolen from citizens) will re-establish financial order. But so much money has been created out of thin air that the price of gold will have to soar (relative to the dollar) to stabilize the system after it collapses.
- The third thing you have to understand is that the government will almost surely do something to prevent you from buying gold when the panic comes. That’s why our host (a former leading government official) is buying gold now. And that’s why you must do so, too – immediately.
I’ve spent the last several days struggling to wrap my mind around what this all means… for me, for my subscribers, for my family… and for our country. For me and my friends who were at dinner that night, nothing will ever be the same again. There will not be another night’s rest without this idea in the back of our minds. There will never be another day in our lives that we forget what we were told… and what it means will happen.
At first, I wasn’t sure if I could tell you anything about what was said, or who was there. But much to my surprise, I received permission from our host to publish a summary of what was discussed.
Then I had to decide if I dared to do so.
You see, this was a detailed plan to stop a run on the dollar. It’s a plan that’s being discussed in secret at the highest levels of finance and government. If this plan is adopted and formalized, it would be, without a doubt, the most highly classified, closely guarded financial secret in the world. I could be putting myself (and my company) in some jeopardy by sharing this information. But… that’s what I felt I had to do.
And I want to do more.
First, I’m going to host a live webinar to discuss everything I heard that night and what it means for us as a country and as investors.
Second, I’ve sent my best resource analyst around the country to meet with leaders in the gold industry. I’m building my first-ever gold-research product. For the first time in my career, I’m going to put my own name on a well-diversified portfolio of gold investments.
In the past, I’ve recommended following Casey Research and John Doody’s Gold Stock Analyst advisory. We’ve even published some gold research in the Stansberry Resource Report. But going forward, I’m going to be leading our efforts personally. And I’m hiring a large new team to produce the best work available on gold and the precious metals sector. As usual, when I decide to do something, I make sure it’s great – far better than any other research you can get elsewhere.
Third, we’re going to continue to follow the NIRP story every day for you in the Digest. Regardless of whether you attend our webinar about these risks or you subscribe to my new gold research, I’m going to make sure you stay completely up to date on the growing risks of a global run on the banks. It’s the greatest risk we face to our wealth and to the stability of our country… And most people don’t yet realize how serious these problems have already become.
You’ll see detailed coverage of this story over the next several days, and we’ll continue to report on these risks going forward. You won’t be among the millions of investors who never saw this coming.
One last thing… Back in 2007 and 2008, when I began to report on the huge risks posed to our economy by the mortgage bubble, and when I warned about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac going broke and General Motors going bankrupt… and the likelihood of the investment banks going bust, most people thought that writing about these things meant that I was hoping they would happen. Soon, I was receiving death threats. Some were even sent to my home.
Please do not conflate the facts I report or the things I warn could happen with what I wish would occur. I do not hope for a global run on banks. I do not hope for the price of gold to soar to $10,000 an ounce. All of these things would be terrible for our country and for millions and millions of people around the world.
Believe me, I hope I’m completely wrong about all of these things. But for the first time in my career, I can clearly see that we’re careening toward a massive collapse of the paper-money system. In my view, it’s not a matter of “if.” It’s a matter of “when.”
I hope you’ll join me Wednesday night for a full discussion of these risks. Click here to reserve your spot.
Porter Stansberry
中国欲批准一万亿元债转股 外媒:最快4月正式推出
英國金融時報、路透社31日報導,根據湯森路透黃金礦業服務公司(Thomson Reuters GFMS)統計,俄羅斯與西方國家的關係日益緊張,為了把外匯存底從美元分散出去,該國已連續第4年成為全球最大黃金買家,去年收購量增加了206公噸。
GFMS 預測,金價雖然在連跌三年後、於今年年初大漲,主要是拜避險需求跳增之賜,但由於聯準會(Fed)仍打算繼續收緊銀根,預料會讓金價漲勢受到壓抑。該機構 預估,黃金這波漲幅應該只是短暫的,一旦金融市場開始止穩,金價也會隨之下降,尤其是當前的亞洲實體需求依舊相當疲弱。GFMS認為,金價或許未來幾個月 就會跌破每盎司1,200美元。