Move on Over! Royal Canadian Mint to issue a REAL gold backed certificate!
It seems that the RCM now wants a piece of what seems is the investment of the decade, but is doing it much differently then SLV/GLD.
If I'm a betting man, which I am, I would be betting that the Royal Canadian Mint is setting itself up as the go to elite "paper" certificate exchange program. They quote, "Unlike other gold investment products, the purchaser of an ETR owns the actual gold rather than a unit or share in an entity that owns the gold." Hint hint SLV and GLD.
Basically saying, move on over ETF's- run by the Morgue and other fraudulent non-phyzz-backed garbage- the world is figuring out you are full of shit with SLV and GLD.
Would you rather be holding paper backed by a world class Mint, or entities that openly naked short and dismantle/manipulate any form of free market trading in the precious metals? (depends where you are from as these two entities may be in fact both be full of shit when TSHTF).
Choose you paper certificates wisely and remember: If you don't hold it in your own hand, YOU DO NOT OWN IT.
Prepare accordingly.
Click here for entire article
If I'm a betting man, which I am, I would be betting that the Royal Canadian Mint is setting itself up as the go to elite "paper" certificate exchange program. They quote, "Unlike other gold investment products, the purchaser of an ETR owns the actual gold rather than a unit or share in an entity that owns the gold." Hint hint SLV and GLD.
Basically saying, move on over ETF's- run by the Morgue and other fraudulent non-phyzz-backed garbage- the world is figuring out you are full of shit with SLV and GLD.
Would you rather be holding paper backed by a world class Mint, or entities that openly naked short and dismantle/manipulate any form of free market trading in the precious metals? (depends where you are from as these two entities may be in fact both be full of shit when TSHTF).
Choose you paper certificates wisely and remember: If you don't hold it in your own hand, YOU DO NOT OWN IT.
Prepare accordingly.
Click here for entire article
說起來確有趣,每逢「木星衝」(Jupiter Opposition)前後一段期間,金價偏好機率真的是較大。木星在上周六最接近地球,午夜時分明亮地高懸在天頂附近,而該周金價擺脫較早前徘徊在十字路口的市勢,重越1703元(美元.下同)關鍵阻力,持續漲升至1752元,周末以1743.4元收市,全周大幅回升6.17%。
說起來確有趣,每逢「木星衝」(Jupiter Opposition)前後一段期間,金價偏好機率真的是較大。木星在上周六最接近地球,午夜時分明亮地高懸在天頂附近,而該周金價擺脫較早前徘徊在十字路口的市勢,重越1703元(美元.下同)關鍵阻力,持續漲升至1752元,周末以1743.4元收市,全周大幅回升6.17%。
Worried About Silver? Listen to Eric Sprott’s Stump Speech
by John Rubino on October 21, 2011
Hedge fund manager Eric Sprott’s speech at this week’s Silver Summit turned a room full of nervous precious metals owners into pumped-up silver buyers. Some of the highlights are posted below, and here’s a link to a recent Financial Sense interview where he makes many of the same points. - The US Mint sells about the same dollar amount of gold and silver coins, which means it sells 50 ounces of silver for every ounce of gold. It’s more or less the same story at GoldMoney and Sprott Money.
- Ten times more silver than gold is produced each year, and the ratio in the earth’s crust is 15:1, so how can the price be 50:1? Expect a return to the historical norm of 15:1, which implies that silver will outperform gold.
- The demand/supply picture has seen a 380 million ounce per year positive swing — in a 900 million ounce market. Where is the silver coming from?
- The paper silver markets trade a billion ounces a day and the world only produces 900 million in a year. The amount available for settlement of these futures contracts is something like 1.5 million ounces, ludicrously little compared to the amount of paper.
- “On the physical side I’m seeing only buyers.”
- “There are a lot more people who can afford a one-ounce silver coin than an ounce of gold.”
- Gold will be a reserve currency and silver will also play a role.
- “We tried to buy 15 million ounces of silver and had to wait three months — and some of the silver we got was manufactured after we ordered. So there’s not a lot of silver sitting on shelves waiting for people to buy it.”
- “Somewhere along the line some manufacturer will say ‘I can’t get the silver I want’ and the jig’s up.”
- People will prefer gold and silver to having money in a bank where there’s tremendous counterparty risk. Three months ago Dexia was considered to be the best capitalized European bank and now they’ve been nationalized.
- “You go to some of the biggest names who own gold and ask them about silver and a lot of them haven’t even looked at it.”
- Central banks are selling gold surreptitiously.
- “It’s shocking how undervalued the junior miners are…Gold and silver stocks are growth stocks. They all have a plan to increase production dramatically. Small miners can start a new mine and double in size…The relative value of gold stocks will become apparent with time…The breakout, when it comes, will be very sudden.”
這5枚銀幣分別為,兩枚來自美國西點軍校(West Point)鑄幣廠的新鑄樣幣及非流通銀幣、一枚來自美國舊金山鑄幣廠的非流通銀幣、一枚來自美國費城鑄幣廠的新鑄樣幣及一枚美國老鷹金幣。
Patrick MontesDeOca chats with Eric Sprott in this exclusive interview that took place at the Silver Summit in Spokane, Washington the week of October 17, 2011. Mr. Sprott speaks in riveting detail about the Silver Market and it's outlook through this year and next, in this not-to-be-missed interview.
河南男子為養老挖坑埋藏8萬元紙鈔 13年後取出已全爛透
河南男子為養老挖坑埋藏8萬元紙鈔 13年後取出已全爛透
http://news.sina.com 2011年10月27日 21:19 鳳凰衛視
晚報記者 張翼飛 文/圖
在收藏市場,隨着第四套人民幣逐步退出流通領域,價格也水漲船高。昨日,全國最大的郵幣卡收藏市場——北京馬甸市場報價,90版100元面值紙 幣,每100張連號1.8萬元,90版50元面值紙幣,每100張連號2.1萬元。按照這個價格,如果馬老漢的8萬元是從銀行剛取出的新錢,5捆100元 的,4捆50元的,一大捆10元的,在現在的收藏領域,業內專家保守估計可賣21.5萬元。收藏市場資深人士說:“80版50元發行得很少,所以現在價格 也高一些,但流通領域很難見到,估計老漢手裏的錢應該都是90版本的。”
Peter Schiff Takes on Occupy Wall Street
“I agree with the sentiment, and I agree with the fact you should be protesting. It's just my point that Washington should be the recipient of the protests. You guys should be marching on the White House and the Federal Reserve demanding your freedom back!”
- Peter Schiff to OWS protestors2011年10月28日星期五
Hugo Salinas Price- Nearly All Mexican Congressmen in Favor of Monetizing Silver
Mexican billionaire and silver proponent Hugo Salinas Price stated today that nearly all of the Mexican Congressmen are in favor of REMONETIZING silver.
Price called for the remonetization of silver by the people of China, Germany, and the US as well, and stated that once the world comes to the realization of the full printing needed to rescue Europe and the US, they will literally pile into gold and silver.
Price also suggests that Gaddafi was invaded and disposed of for his gold- something we proposed here back on March 22nd with the reports that Gaddafi held over 143 tonnes of gold.
By and large all of the Congressman are in favor of monetizing silver in Mexico. The dirty work is how to get around the blocking that is presented by three or four important party leaders who are bought off by the central bank or intimated by the central bank. They are afraid to go against the central bank’s desires. The central bank is definitely afraid of doing anything that is not being done by all of the other central banks. They feel they are part of a brotherhood and they can’t betray the rest. They don’t want to present a currency that would be viewed as out of line, that’s the way they think. It’s a sad thing but this is the mentality.Read more:
Price called for the remonetization of silver by the people of China, Germany, and the US as well, and stated that once the world comes to the realization of the full printing needed to rescue Europe and the US, they will literally pile into gold and silver.
Price also suggests that Gaddafi was invaded and disposed of for his gold- something we proposed here back on March 22nd with the reports that Gaddafi held over 143 tonnes of gold.
By and large all of the Congressman are in favor of monetizing silver in Mexico. The dirty work is how to get around the blocking that is presented by three or four important party leaders who are bought off by the central bank or intimated by the central bank. They are afraid to go against the central bank’s desires. The central bank is definitely afraid of doing anything that is not being done by all of the other central banks. They feel they are part of a brotherhood and they can’t betray the rest. They don’t want to present a currency that would be viewed as out of line, that’s the way they think. It’s a sad thing but this is the mentality.Read more:
按今年8 月兩黨“協議”的規定,由美國國會12 名議員組成的“超級赤字減低委員會(Super Deficit Reduction Commission) ”必須在11 月23 日之前找到降低財政赤字至少1.2 萬億元的辦法,並且在11 月底之前提出未來十年美國預算收支平衡的方案並起草預算平衡憲法修正案。但是,從8 月標普下降美國國債評級後直到現在,我們還看不到超級委員會的秘密談判有任何進展的跡象。議員們並沒有改變他們的政治伎倆,知情人士透露,超級委員會在基本政策問題上仍舊陷於死鎖處境。 “僵局模式管理” (Management by gridlock) 和意識形態的純潔代替常識性妥協已經成為美國的政治現實,這說明雙方將無法在11月23日前達成協議。如果委員會不能達致協議,國防和非國防開支的自動削減將在2013 年開始。看起來有最大可能性的結果又是一個最後一刻、不解決基本債務問題的臨時性的妥協,國會甚至可能試圖刪除8月的協議裡自動削減開支的“扳機”(trigger) 。
在美國,政治和意識形態的強硬態度正在把美國推下懸崖。美林證券公司其實已經警告他們的客戶,美債的再次降級將無可避免。美林的分析師 Ethan S. Harris說:
國會的“不太超級赤字委員會”(The “not-so-super” Deficit Commission) 不大可能找到一個可信的削減赤字的計劃。左右兩派的委員在思想上比國會議員有更大的分歧。實際上說,既然他們已經明白,達不到協議的“備份計劃”是自動性“可自由支配開支”(automatic discretionary spending cuts) 的削減,委員們應該把增稅和entitlements 開支一併討論,但是所有的共和黨委員已簽署了Americans for Tax Reform 的創立者Grover Norquist 的“絕不增稅”的承諾書,我無法想像超級委員會裡的民主黨委員會同意只對entitlements開刀。因此,我們預計這個僵局在11 月底或12 月初將導致超級委員會的崩潰和至少一個機構下降美國國債評級。
當(而不是如果) 國債降級成為現實,金融世界將有什麼反應呢?這將是一個“14 萬億美元的問題”,但我們可以很肯定地說,這至少是對已經脆弱的消費者心理的又一個打擊,因此世界經濟的衰退延續到2013年將不可避免。
根據摩根大通的CIO (chief investment officer) Michael Cembalest 的看法,委員會談判的失敗,甚至可能預示著美元作為儲備貨幣的結束。這對美國將是一個嚴重的打擊,也是美國人吃不下去的苦藥。這意味著美國從此不能靠印鈔來還債。美國人-- 和代表他們的那些政客-- 的自私、貪婪和揮霍終於把美國帶進了無可救藥的處境。
本拉登和卡扎菲已死,今天,還能夠隨意印鈔的美國財政和經濟上卻是一團糟;後者與前者不無關聯。這個債務危機將如何影響2012 年的美國選舉呢?在這個時刻做預測也許為時尚早,但不要認為這危機只對美國人有影響,它將會影響世界每個角落,包括中國人和加拿大人,世界所有國家(包括中國)的經濟命脈是息息相連的。
美元的貶值和世界經濟的動盪已經把黃金價格推上天,2009 年奧巴馬總統就職典禮後的一天黃金的價格是845 元。昨天黃金收盤價格是 1700 元。有誰要預測2013年美總統就職典禮以後的一天黃金價格將是每盎司2500 美元嗎?
不管歷史是否這樣稱呼,今天的美國正處於21世紀版的內戰-- 一種經濟和政治意識形態戰爭,雖然這個內戰不是以槍支來解決,但它對美國和對世界的影響可能比上次的內戰還要嚴重。
按今年8 月兩黨“協議”的規定,由美國國會12 名議員組成的“超級赤字減低委員會(Super Deficit Reduction Commission) ”必須在11 月23 日之前找到降低財政赤字至少1.2 萬億元的辦法,並且在11 月底之前提出未來十年美國預算收支平衡的方案並起草預算平衡憲法修正案。但是,從8 月標普下降美國國債評級後直到現在,我們還看不到超級委員會的秘密談判有任何進展的跡象。議員們並沒有改變他們的政治伎倆,知情人士透露,超級委員會在基本政策問題上仍舊陷於死鎖處境。 “僵局模式管理” (Management by gridlock) 和意識形態的純潔代替常識性妥協已經成為美國的政治現實,這說明雙方將無法在11月23日前達成協議。如果委員會不能達致協議,國防和非國防開支的自動削減將在2013 年開始。看起來有最大可能性的結果又是一個最後一刻、不解決基本債務問題的臨時性的妥協,國會甚至可能試圖刪除8月的協議裡自動削減開支的“扳機”(trigger) 。
在美國,政治和意識形態的強硬態度正在把美國推下懸崖。美林證券公司其實已經警告他們的客戶,美債的再次降級將無可避免。美林的分析師 Ethan S. Harris說:
國會的“不太超級赤字委員會”(The “not-so-super” Deficit Commission) 不大可能找到一個可信的削減赤字的計劃。左右兩派的委員在思想上比國會議員有更大的分歧。實際上說,既然他們已經明白,達不到協議的“備份計劃”是自動性“可自由支配開支”(automatic discretionary spending cuts) 的削減,委員們應該把增稅和entitlements 開支一併討論,但是所有的共和黨委員已簽署了Americans for Tax Reform 的創立者Grover Norquist 的“絕不增稅”的承諾書,我無法想像超級委員會裡的民主黨委員會同意只對entitlements開刀。因此,我們預計這個僵局在11 月底或12 月初將導致超級委員會的崩潰和至少一個機構下降美國國債評級。
當(而不是如果) 國債降級成為現實,金融世界將有什麼反應呢?這將是一個“14 萬億美元的問題”,但我們可以很肯定地說,這至少是對已經脆弱的消費者心理的又一個打擊,因此世界經濟的衰退延續到2013年將不可避免。
根據摩根大通的CIO (chief investment officer) Michael Cembalest 的看法,委員會談判的失敗,甚至可能預示著美元作為儲備貨幣的結束。這對美國將是一個嚴重的打擊,也是美國人吃不下去的苦藥。這意味著美國從此不能靠印鈔來還債。美國人-- 和代表他們的那些政客-- 的自私、貪婪和揮霍終於把美國帶進了無可救藥的處境。
本拉登和卡扎菲已死,今天,還能夠隨意印鈔的美國財政和經濟上卻是一團糟;後者與前者不無關聯。這個債務危機將如何影響2012 年的美國選舉呢?在這個時刻做預測也許為時尚早,但不要認為這危機只對美國人有影響,它將會影響世界每個角落,包括中國人和加拿大人,世界所有國家(包括中國)的經濟命脈是息息相連的。
美元的貶值和世界經濟的動盪已經把黃金價格推上天,2009 年奧巴馬總統就職典禮後的一天黃金的價格是845 元。昨天黃金收盤價格是 1700 元。有誰要預測2013年美總統就職典禮以後的一天黃金價格將是每盎司2500 美元嗎?
不管歷史是否這樣稱呼,今天的美國正處於21世紀版的內戰-- 一種經濟和政治意識形態戰爭,雖然這個內戰不是以槍支來解決,但它對美國和對世界的影響可能比上次的內戰還要嚴重。
Meet the World's Largest Gold Coin
Australia reveals the world’s largest gold coin at Pert Mint to kick off the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.
The coin weighs in at about 2,231 pounds, is 31 inches wide and over 4.7 inches thick. The coin is 99.99 percent pure gold, and is valued at $53.5 million.
On one side the Queen is pictured, and the other side shows a kangaroo.
The Queen is on a ten-day tour of Australia and will be at the opening ceremony for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting this week.
"To cast and handicraft a coin of this size and weight was an incredible challenge – one which few other mints would even consider,” said Perth Mint chief executive Ed Harbuz, according to The Telegraph. Here's Harbuz posing with the coin.
And take an inside look at the 18 month process the mint undertook to create the massive coin:
This is not the first oversized coin to break a few records; several countries have produced similar coins over the years.
Top five most colossal coins ever made:
The coin weighs in at about 2,231 pounds, is 31 inches wide and over 4.7 inches thick. The coin is 99.99 percent pure gold, and is valued at $53.5 million.
On one side the Queen is pictured, and the other side shows a kangaroo.
The Queen is on a ten-day tour of Australia and will be at the opening ceremony for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting this week.
"To cast and handicraft a coin of this size and weight was an incredible challenge – one which few other mints would even consider,” said Perth Mint chief executive Ed Harbuz, according to The Telegraph. Here's Harbuz posing with the coin.
And take an inside look at the 18 month process the mint undertook to create the massive coin:
This is not the first oversized coin to break a few records; several countries have produced similar coins over the years.
Top five most colossal coins ever made:
- In 2000 China minted the country’s largest coin ever. The coin weighed in at just over 22 pounds. The coin was 99.99 percent gold. Since its creation, the coin has been auctioned off for around $1.18 million.
- In 2004 Austria created a 1000-ounce gold Philharmonic coin to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the bullion coin. The coin’s face value was 100,000 euros at the time. Fifteen coins were made and sold, each taking 130 hours to mint.
- In 2006 Perth Mint produced the world’s largest silver coin. This coin weighed in just over 22 pounds, and had a diameter of 8 inches. The coin was created to commemorate “The Year of the Dog,” according to Collectors Society.
- In 2007 Canada took record for the world’s largest pure gold coin, weighing 220 pounds, with a 20-inch diameter. The coin was listed as 99.999 percent pure gold bullion and picture Queen Elizabeth II on one side and the Canadian maple leaf on the other. The coin has a face value of about $903,628.
- In 2008, Guinness World Records flew to Dubai to award a leading jewelry retailer for having the world’s largest coin-like medallion. The coin was created in honor of the Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Awards for Medical Sciences. The coin measured 3 feet 2 inches in diameter, weighed over 409 pounds, and was made of solid silver plated with gold.
在詢問應該如何選擇,他說,“根據我們的經驗,應該是選擇倫敦金。”他解釋說,國內的投資黃金的槓桿比例一般都不超過13倍的比例,而做倫敦金會很刺激,投資的槓桿比例是至少可以達到上百倍。 “我們現在這裡的客戶有500戶,70%都是做倫敦金的。”
但隨後表示對此“不懂如何去炒”,他說,“我們可以給你簽訂一個協議,如果你賺錢了,我們從中抽取30%的利潤,如果賠錢,我們也賠給你30%。”為了驗證其說法,他隨後拿出一大疊“協議書”。 “你看,這就是我們給其他客戶簽訂的文本。你至少要投資5000美元資金,其中1500美元為保證金,我們收取一筆50美元的手續費。”他說。
此後,該公司的業務人員頻繁致電,要求再到公司具體商談投資事宜。對於投資的資金流向何處?他們表示,“可以通過網上支付的方式匯入香港的一家公司對公賬戶上。”他隨後表示,“你的資金絕對安全,因為那邊的賬戶是受到監管的,我們都是這樣做的。 ”
但還是對其合法性提出質疑,該公司的“羅經理”又讓一位王姓分析師致電,王先生乾脆說,“目前國內合法的只有銀行的紙黃金,其他的都不受法律保護,這在法律上是一個盲區。其他的都有風險,都是在打擦邊球,資金都有可能出不來。”“我可以這樣告訴你,其他的炒黃金方式,都可能會跳到坑里。 ”這位人士補充說。
在隨後展開的調查中發現,目前深圳的“地下炒金”公司所推出的業務大多都是被國內禁止的“倫敦金”。 21日,記又前往福田國際文化大廈13樓,這家香港科大世紀國際投資有限公司的總經理張先生說,他們不做國內的黃金,專門炒“倫敦金”。
Euro Alert!!!
Euro Alert!!!
Today's news (out of Europe): Banks and bondholders may be forced to write down 50-60% of Greece debt which should send shock waves across the banking sector and global markets. European banks are leveraged 25 to 1, that's double of even U.S. banks! To give you an idea of just how bad this is, Lehman was leveraged 30 to 1. However, the most important thing to remember is the 25 to 1 leverage number is based off of what the banks say their asset values are, now does anyone honestly believe that the banks are being honest with these numbers? Total official debt for financial companies (excluding derivatives) in Europe is 23 TRILLION!!! That is 43% more than the entire European annual GDP!
Since a bailout from Greece's neighbors is politically impossible, FutureMoneyTrends.com would have to assume that these type of write downs being talked about would make European banks insolvent as the numbers just don't add up. Which is probably why gold this morning is up $57 per ounce and silver is up $1.55.
Questions Investors Should be Asking Themselves
How long after Greece officially defaults with bondholders taking a 50-60% loss will we hear other nations requesting the same type of rescue package?
How long until investors loose complete faith in the EU and jump ship?
IF, and it's a very big IF, governments try to recapitalize banks, this will lead to a domino of downgrades and even more chaos in Europe. Will Europe collapse or print print print?
Charles Hugh Smith put it best yesterday when he said, "The dominoes of debt are toppling in Europe, and there is no way to stop the forces of financial gravity."
For the past 2 years, we have seen crisis and postponement in Europe, fake fixes, proposals, and speeches from European leaders.
The trend of March 2010 to August 2011 was that when the Greece crisis was on the front pages of the news, global markets went down and gold and silver went up. This trend was broken in September, but as of today, it appears to be back in tact, perhaps the trend was only broken due to the huge run up in silver and gold during the summer. Or perhaps it was that certain powers that be didn't want $2,000 gold and $60 silver in the face of a Euro collapse. Either way, it appears the trend is back and the demand for physical metal is overwhelming the fractional reserve gold paper trading and leasing supported by the biggest banks on earth.
As far as the timing, the powers that be have showed an incredible ability to postpone the inevitable, however, with economies slowing and stimulus increasingly unpopular with voters, FutureMoneyTrends.com puts the sovereign debt crisis reality check sometime between now and the end of next year. This is why we are sending an urgent alert to all of our members and their families to keep their wealth away from Europe, anything held in Euros, in our opinion, is extremely risky.
Overall Europe is in very bad shape when you take a look at the books.
Nations like France and Italy spend more than 14% of their GDP just on pensions to retired government workers.
In order for EU nations to pay for their unfunded promises of national health care, pensions, and other social programs, each EU nation would need at least 400% more than their current GDP!
Germany, the so called economically strong nation in the EU, has unfunded liabilities of more than 7 trillion Euros, with their official debt to GDP ratio at 78%. However, when you actually include what they really owe, debt to GDP is 284%.
Even German ex-central banker, Axel Weber, has warned that Germany is much worse than people believe.
They live beyond their means, especially the southern nations. Greece for example has increased salaries for state officials by 76% since the introduction of the Euro, wages overall have increased by 42%. The easy credit and low interest rates have given fiscally irresponsible nations a false sense of how much debt they can afford.
Spain and Portugal will not meet their deficit reduction targets this year or ever, in our opinion.
Italian Government is on the brink of collapse.
We are getting reports that bank runs in Greece have already begun, one report stated that this morning over 5,000 customers lined up in order to make withdraws. Up to half are transferring their wealth out of the country.
When you look at Greece, their debt chart trajectory looks a lot like the U.S. Greece has seen a 46% increase in government debt in the past 4 years, the U.S. has seen an increase of 72%. Yes the U.S. is worse, however, the U.S. can print the world reserve fiat currency, Greece can't.
In our opinion, the dominoes have begun to fall, first Greece, then the banks, then the Euro. The great sovereign debt crisis of 2012 has begun. Are you ready?
Today's news (out of Europe): Banks and bondholders may be forced to write down 50-60% of Greece debt which should send shock waves across the banking sector and global markets. European banks are leveraged 25 to 1, that's double of even U.S. banks! To give you an idea of just how bad this is, Lehman was leveraged 30 to 1. However, the most important thing to remember is the 25 to 1 leverage number is based off of what the banks say their asset values are, now does anyone honestly believe that the banks are being honest with these numbers? Total official debt for financial companies (excluding derivatives) in Europe is 23 TRILLION!!! That is 43% more than the entire European annual GDP!
Since a bailout from Greece's neighbors is politically impossible, FutureMoneyTrends.com would have to assume that these type of write downs being talked about would make European banks insolvent as the numbers just don't add up. Which is probably why gold this morning is up $57 per ounce and silver is up $1.55.
Questions Investors Should be Asking Themselves
How long after Greece officially defaults with bondholders taking a 50-60% loss will we hear other nations requesting the same type of rescue package?
How long until investors loose complete faith in the EU and jump ship?
IF, and it's a very big IF, governments try to recapitalize banks, this will lead to a domino of downgrades and even more chaos in Europe. Will Europe collapse or print print print?
Charles Hugh Smith put it best yesterday when he said, "The dominoes of debt are toppling in Europe, and there is no way to stop the forces of financial gravity."
For the past 2 years, we have seen crisis and postponement in Europe, fake fixes, proposals, and speeches from European leaders.
The trend of March 2010 to August 2011 was that when the Greece crisis was on the front pages of the news, global markets went down and gold and silver went up. This trend was broken in September, but as of today, it appears to be back in tact, perhaps the trend was only broken due to the huge run up in silver and gold during the summer. Or perhaps it was that certain powers that be didn't want $2,000 gold and $60 silver in the face of a Euro collapse. Either way, it appears the trend is back and the demand for physical metal is overwhelming the fractional reserve gold paper trading and leasing supported by the biggest banks on earth.
As far as the timing, the powers that be have showed an incredible ability to postpone the inevitable, however, with economies slowing and stimulus increasingly unpopular with voters, FutureMoneyTrends.com puts the sovereign debt crisis reality check sometime between now and the end of next year. This is why we are sending an urgent alert to all of our members and their families to keep their wealth away from Europe, anything held in Euros, in our opinion, is extremely risky.
Overall Europe is in very bad shape when you take a look at the books.
Nations like France and Italy spend more than 14% of their GDP just on pensions to retired government workers.
In order for EU nations to pay for their unfunded promises of national health care, pensions, and other social programs, each EU nation would need at least 400% more than their current GDP!
Germany, the so called economically strong nation in the EU, has unfunded liabilities of more than 7 trillion Euros, with their official debt to GDP ratio at 78%. However, when you actually include what they really owe, debt to GDP is 284%.
Even German ex-central banker, Axel Weber, has warned that Germany is much worse than people believe.
They live beyond their means, especially the southern nations. Greece for example has increased salaries for state officials by 76% since the introduction of the Euro, wages overall have increased by 42%. The easy credit and low interest rates have given fiscally irresponsible nations a false sense of how much debt they can afford.
Spain and Portugal will not meet their deficit reduction targets this year or ever, in our opinion.
Italian Government is on the brink of collapse.
We are getting reports that bank runs in Greece have already begun, one report stated that this morning over 5,000 customers lined up in order to make withdraws. Up to half are transferring their wealth out of the country.
When you look at Greece, their debt chart trajectory looks a lot like the U.S. Greece has seen a 46% increase in government debt in the past 4 years, the U.S. has seen an increase of 72%. Yes the U.S. is worse, however, the U.S. can print the world reserve fiat currency, Greece can't.
In our opinion, the dominoes have begun to fall, first Greece, then the banks, then the Euro. The great sovereign debt crisis of 2012 has begun. Are you ready?
iBank 故技重施.....
最新傳聞,有歐資私人銀行可能因為窮途末路而被迫故技重施,竟然再向高端客戶兜售經過包裝而成的高息債券投資產品,話說有ex-iBanker即係退役投資銀行家,先問客戶經理攞張term sheet來參詳參詳始再作決定,誰知唔睇尤自可,睇真嚇到儍。
雖然SPV歸屬投行旗下,但曾幾何時,英資銀行於上一輪金融海嘯水深火熱之際,索性把自己旗下SPV壯士斷臂,至今仍歷歷在目,聽聞有退役iBanker一見張term sheet,就鬧了該客戶經理一餐,罵該投行不知悔改唔知死。
有朋友平時以FX、Trade、Option等合約為bread n butter的投行工作,慶幸自己間行平時非主力搞IPO及M&A,起碼今年B仔就算不及去年,也叫有得分,員工也不需鋌而走險。
王冠一....Martin Weiss 魏斯 八大預警 ...為銀行倒閉作好準備
「佔領華爾街」〔Occupy Wall Street〕從一個小範圍的示威活動蔓延至全球各地,不少人認為,行動是對現時經濟環境,以及對看不見個人未來表達不滿,同時抗議政府對解決貧富懸束手 無策。不少評論對此場運動並不看好,《今日美國》〔USA Today〕上週便批評,運動是由烏合之眾拉雜成軍〔ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others” hinting they’re a flash-in-the-pan “devoid of remedies〕,又指運動漫無目的〔No mission, no goals, no organization, no agenda, no leaders, and no staying power〕,最終只會作鳥獸散,難有作為。
不過,亦有評論指「佔領華爾街」是阿拉伯之春的延續,有其實際訴求,最終極可能演變成為一場全新的美國革命,不可等閒視之。運動的內在聲音,是抗議美國道 德淪亡〔moral compass is broken〕,政府處處聽命於富人,變成傀儡,而社會由最富裕的1%富人操縱,扼殺了中產往上流動的「美國夢」。今次運動只有1個簡單要求,就是停止民 主被金權蠶食,恢復廉潔的選舉,亦即是一人一票以外,捐獻亦要同等,以重拾真正民主。
華爾街成為被針對的對象,是由於華爾街每年均花費大量金錢游說國會,影響政府施政。更令群眾不滿的是,政府於金融海嘯斥天文數字的公帑救華爾街,銀 行未作出犧牲,卻未有吸取教訓,拒絕改革之餘,業務如常運作,亦不改其貪婪的習性,繼續向高層派發高花紅。其拒絕面對現實及欠缺前瞻性的作風,令更大的危 機潛伏。
基地設於佛羅里達州的獨立評級機構魏斯,創辦人魏斯〔Martin Weiss〕早前提出了七大預警,內容值得細嚼。魏斯的名氣雖未及其他三大評級機構響亮,但由於其評級並非收取客戶費用去評定,故更具說服力。魏斯早於金 融海嘯前已發預警,預告貝爾斯登、雷曼及Washington Mutual倒閉,花旗瀕臨倒閉,房地美亦有解體危機,今年7月15日更率先把美國評級下調至C-,稱降級反映美國經濟惡化、負債沉重、經濟體質虛弱,以 及國際動盪局勢,做法益加彰顯其評級及意見中肯。
魏斯的首個預警,是指希臘很快便會違約,令銀行蒙受重大損失。次個預警則是市場恐慌將蔓延,惟恐其他政府亦會違約,因而拒絕向高負債政府借貸,或要 求更高利息作補償。第3個預警是歐洲將有數家大銀行倒閉,餘波會擴散至美國,當中又以摩通、美銀及花旗最高危。第4個預警是歐盟國家恐有降級潮,德法為救 銀行,評級亦將受損。第5個預警是負債合共高達3.4萬億美元的西班牙和意大利,違約呼聲高唱。西意違約連鎖效應,導致全球債市入冰河期,而德法美英日等 國家亦受影響是第6個預警。第7個預警是違約導致銀行倒閉,把全球經濟推向蕭條的惡性循環將沒完沒了。最後一個附加的預警,是政府不會再救助銀行,為貪婪 吸血劃上終止符。經濟陷入深度衰退,華爾街亦要洗牌重來。
「佔領華爾街」〔Occupy Wall Street〕從一個小範圍的示威活動蔓延至全球各地,不少人認為,行動是對現時經濟環境,以及對看不見個人未來表達不滿,同時抗議政府對解決貧富懸束手 無策。不少評論對此場運動並不看好,《今日美國》〔USA Today〕上週便批評,運動是由烏合之眾拉雜成軍〔ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others” hinting they’re a flash-in-the-pan “devoid of remedies〕,又指運動漫無目的〔No mission, no goals, no organization, no agenda, no leaders, and no staying power〕,最終只會作鳥獸散,難有作為。
不過,亦有評論指「佔領華爾街」是阿拉伯之春的延續,有其實際訴求,最終極可能演變成為一場全新的美國革命,不可等閒視之。運動的內在聲音,是抗議美國道 德淪亡〔moral compass is broken〕,政府處處聽命於富人,變成傀儡,而社會由最富裕的1%富人操縱,扼殺了中產往上流動的「美國夢」。今次運動只有1個簡單要求,就是停止民 主被金權蠶食,恢復廉潔的選舉,亦即是一人一票以外,捐獻亦要同等,以重拾真正民主。
華爾街成為被針對的對象,是由於華爾街每年均花費大量金錢游說國會,影響政府施政。更令群眾不滿的是,政府於金融海嘯斥天文數字的公帑救華爾街,銀 行未作出犧牲,卻未有吸取教訓,拒絕改革之餘,業務如常運作,亦不改其貪婪的習性,繼續向高層派發高花紅。其拒絕面對現實及欠缺前瞻性的作風,令更大的危 機潛伏。
基地設於佛羅里達州的獨立評級機構魏斯,創辦人魏斯〔Martin Weiss〕早前提出了七大預警,內容值得細嚼。魏斯的名氣雖未及其他三大評級機構響亮,但由於其評級並非收取客戶費用去評定,故更具說服力。魏斯早於金 融海嘯前已發預警,預告貝爾斯登、雷曼及Washington Mutual倒閉,花旗瀕臨倒閉,房地美亦有解體危機,今年7月15日更率先把美國評級下調至C-,稱降級反映美國經濟惡化、負債沉重、經濟體質虛弱,以 及國際動盪局勢,做法益加彰顯其評級及意見中肯。
魏斯的首個預警,是指希臘很快便會違約,令銀行蒙受重大損失。次個預警則是市場恐慌將蔓延,惟恐其他政府亦會違約,因而拒絕向高負債政府借貸,或要 求更高利息作補償。第3個預警是歐洲將有數家大銀行倒閉,餘波會擴散至美國,當中又以摩通、美銀及花旗最高危。第4個預警是歐盟國家恐有降級潮,德法為救 銀行,評級亦將受損。第5個預警是負債合共高達3.4萬億美元的西班牙和意大利,違約呼聲高唱。西意違約連鎖效應,導致全球債市入冰河期,而德法美英日等 國家亦受影響是第6個預警。第7個預警是違約導致銀行倒閉,把全球經濟推向蕭條的惡性循環將沒完沒了。最後一個附加的預警,是政府不會再救助銀行,為貪婪 吸血劃上終止符。經濟陷入深度衰退,華爾街亦要洗牌重來。
Vatican Calls for World Central Bank, One-World Currency
As if national central banks and fiat currencies run by the Illuminati and the banksters do not oppress the world's citizens enough.
The Vatican's true colors shine through- this is merely about consolidating ever more power over the world's masses.
* Document also calls for "Central World Bank"
* Condemns "idolatry of the market"
* Says reform should start under U.N. auspices
VATICAN CITY, Oct 24 (Reuters) - - The Vatican called on Monday for the establishment of a "global public authority" and a "central world bank" to rule over financial institutions that have become outdated and often ineffective in dealing fairly with crises.
The document from the Vatican's Justice and Peace department should please the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators and similar movements around the world who have protested against the economic downturn.
"Towards Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of a Global Public Authority," was at times very specific, calling, for example, for taxation measures on financial transactions.
"The economic and financial crisis which the world is going through calls everyone, individuals and peoples, to examine in depth the principles and the cultural and moral values at the basis of social coexistence," it said.
Read more:
?准確押注美國次按爆煲者除了有「沽神」保爾森,還有對沖基金Hayman Capital創辦人巴斯。但與保爾森可一不可再的戰績不同,巴斯利用同一套計量模型,早已預見主權債務危機,押下重注賭希臘違約,並預言兵荒馬亂的時勢即將來臨。詳見B5頁研究部特寫。
10月24日,周一。個人並不愛讀克魯明(Paul Krugman)在《紐約時報》的專欄,政治經濟民生,什麼都是共和黨的錯,扣帽子從不手軟,「八股味」隔數條街也能嗅到。然而,諾貝爾評審委員會在2008年金融海嘯期間把經濟學獎頒給他,斷估不是為了赤裸裸地表揚幹預主義;至低限度,克魯明在評審眼中斤?十足,對經濟學有過一番建樹。以其功力,要為一種經濟現象賦予「理論生命」,毫無難度綽綽有餘。
從這段獨白可見,克魯明一邊心系黃金,另一邊卻非常在意讀者對他「想金」產生太多不必要的聯想,怕人誤會他忽然戀上這種凱恩斯口中的「蠻荒世界遺物」 ,是以自問自答,意圖跟「金甲蟲」劃清界線。
克魯明自稱「大大的通縮論者」(a big deflationista),又說如果你相信「通脹論者」(inflationistas)這些年來提出過的種種警告,那麼閣下縱使不輸幹輸淨,賺少許多總是在所難免。等一等,黃金不是例外嗎?在克魯明看來,將通脹威脅與金價強勁劃上等號,完全捉錯用神;換句話說,金沒買錯,惟買金的原因不對。
經濟學上有所謂「窒息價格」(choke price),即天然資源價格升至足以令流量需求(flow demand)降至零的水平,以此而論,人們持有(囤積)可耗盡(exhaustible)的資源,延遲資源在現實世界中的使用,原因只有一個,就是實質價格持續上升。撇除儲存成本,黃金的實質價格必須以相等或高於實質利率的速度上升,投者者和生產商才具備囤積黃金的誘因。
港股大升,恒指收報18771點,較上周五漲746點,市場繼續憧憬歐債危機解決有望之外,匯豐與Markit Economics聯手進行的調查顯示,中國10月份采購經理指數(PMI)初值經季節性調整後達51.5,非但為五個月來的最高水平,且遠勝9月份的49.9。
?准確押注美國次按爆煲者除了有「沽神」保爾森,還有對沖基金Hayman Capital創辦人巴斯。但與保爾森可一不可再的戰績不同,巴斯利用同一套計量模型,早已預見主權債務危機,押下重注賭希臘違約,並預言兵荒馬亂的時勢即將來臨。詳見B5頁研究部特寫。
10月24日,周一。個人並不愛讀克魯明(Paul Krugman)在《紐約時報》的專欄,政治經濟民生,什麼都是共和黨的錯,扣帽子從不手軟,「八股味」隔數條街也能嗅到。然而,諾貝爾評審委員會在2008年金融海嘯期間把經濟學獎頒給他,斷估不是為了赤裸裸地表揚幹預主義;至低限度,克魯明在評審眼中斤?十足,對經濟學有過一番建樹。以其功力,要為一種經濟現象賦予「理論生命」,毫無難度綽綽有餘。
從這段獨白可見,克魯明一邊心系黃金,另一邊卻非常在意讀者對他「想金」產生太多不必要的聯想,怕人誤會他忽然戀上這種凱恩斯口中的「蠻荒世界遺物」 ,是以自問自答,意圖跟「金甲蟲」劃清界線。
克魯明自稱「大大的通縮論者」(a big deflationista),又說如果你相信「通脹論者」(inflationistas)這些年來提出過的種種警告,那麼閣下縱使不輸幹輸淨,賺少許多總是在所難免。等一等,黃金不是例外嗎?在克魯明看來,將通脹威脅與金價強勁劃上等號,完全捉錯用神;換句話說,金沒買錯,惟買金的原因不對。
經濟學上有所謂「窒息價格」(choke price),即天然資源價格升至足以令流量需求(flow demand)降至零的水平,以此而論,人們持有(囤積)可耗盡(exhaustible)的資源,延遲資源在現實世界中的使用,原因只有一個,就是實質價格持續上升。撇除儲存成本,黃金的實質價格必須以相等或高於實質利率的速度上升,投者者和生產商才具備囤積黃金的誘因。
港股大升,恒指收報18771點,較上周五漲746點,市場繼續憧憬歐債危機解決有望之外,匯豐與Markit Economics聯手進行的調查顯示,中國10月份采購經理指數(PMI)初值經季節性調整後達51.5,非但為五個月來的最高水平,且遠勝9月份的49.9。
王冠一財經專欄:生活質素 每況愈下
美國人嚮往的「美國夢」,是生活一代比一代改善,但過去十年,美國夢卻進入夢醒時份。相比起十年前,今日美國人的生活水平〔standard of living〕不進反退,用以量度生活質素指標之一的「痛苦指數」,更刷新了1983年伊朗革命美國經濟陷入衰退以來的新高。
美國最新公佈的人口統計數字,亦為美國人生活於水深火熱增添證據。全國生活於貧窮線下的比率,由2009年的14.3%升上15.3%,而貧窮率高 於17%的州份,亦由2009年的5個,倍升至12個。生活於貧窮線以下、收入不足貧窮線一半的赤貧比率,亦持續攀升,由2009年的6.3%升至 6.8%。需要接受公共援助〔public assistance〕的人口於短短1年間暴增一成,由300萬上升至330萬,而接受公援的家庭比率亦由2.7%升至2.9%。
統計數字亦顯示,於過去1年,不論是貧窮人口或貧窮率,50州份無一下跌。貧窮率最高的州份為密西西比州,貧窮率高達22.4%,緊隨其後的,是新 墨西哥州的20.4%。貧窮率最低的是新罕布夏州〔New Hampshire〕,比率僅為8.3%,亦是唯一綠得單位數字的州份。
經歷過金融海嘯引起的大衰退〔Great Recession〕後,美國人的生活質素每況愈下,可支配收入〔disposable income〕於2008年春大衰退開始時觸頂,當時人均可支配收入為33,794美元,而2011年次季已跌至32,479美元,即是減少了1315美 元或4%,意味可用於購物消費、外出用膳及看電影的次數大幅減少。事實上,美國人生活水平的惡化速度,亦是1960年開始紀錄以來最快。
深入探討財富萎縮效應的話,數字顯示,美國人自2007年至今,身家合共蒸發了5.5萬億,比率高達8.6%,最大部份自然是物業價值下跌。樓價於 07年至今平均跌幅為22%,蒸發財富達4.7萬億。標普500指數亦較1999年下跌了17%,即使計入其間收取的股息,十年累積回報亦只有3.2%, 可說甚不理想。
美國最新公佈的人口統計數字,亦為美國人生活於水深火熱增添證據。全國生活於貧窮線下的比率,由2009年的14.3%升上15.3%,而貧窮率高 於17%的州份,亦由2009年的5個,倍升至12個。生活於貧窮線以下、收入不足貧窮線一半的赤貧比率,亦持續攀升,由2009年的6.3%升至 6.8%。需要接受公共援助〔public assistance〕的人口於短短1年間暴增一成,由300萬上升至330萬,而接受公援的家庭比率亦由2.7%升至2.9%。
統計數字亦顯示,於過去1年,不論是貧窮人口或貧窮率,50州份無一下跌。貧窮率最高的州份為密西西比州,貧窮率高達22.4%,緊隨其後的,是新 墨西哥州的20.4%。貧窮率最低的是新罕布夏州〔New Hampshire〕,比率僅為8.3%,亦是唯一綠得單位數字的州份。
經歷過金融海嘯引起的大衰退〔Great Recession〕後,美國人的生活質素每況愈下,可支配收入〔disposable income〕於2008年春大衰退開始時觸頂,當時人均可支配收入為33,794美元,而2011年次季已跌至32,479美元,即是減少了1315美 元或4%,意味可用於購物消費、外出用膳及看電影的次數大幅減少。事實上,美國人生活水平的惡化速度,亦是1960年開始紀錄以來最快。
深入探討財富萎縮效應的話,數字顯示,美國人自2007年至今,身家合共蒸發了5.5萬億,比率高達8.6%,最大部份自然是物業價值下跌。樓價於 07年至今平均跌幅為22%,蒸發財富達4.7萬億。標普500指數亦較1999年下跌了17%,即使計入其間收取的股息,十年累積回報亦只有3.2%, 可說甚不理想。
Stephen Leeb - China Will Send Gold & Silver to the Moon
With gold, silver, commodities and stocks moving sharply to the upside, today King World News interviewed acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb, Chairman & Chief Investment Officer of Leeb Capital Management. When asked about the action in commodities, Leeb responded, “Commodity prices, it’s true, are below their all-time high. But when you step back and look at it from a yearly perspective, the vast majority of commodities are averaging all-time high prices in 2011.”
Stephen Leeb continues:
“As an example the average price for oil, copper, corn, silver and gold will be the highest prices ever on average for 2011. That is not consistent with a lot of weakness in China. China, in my opinion, seems to be doing pretty well. We all know that China had an inflation problem, but it appears they have gotten that under control.
This is the thing that worries me, everyone talks about inflation and China coming apart, Eric, but no one seems to be talking about the fact that China is planning to spend half a trillion a year on new energy. This includes hydro, wind, nuclear, you name it.
China has well over 50% of the solar industry and no doubt, as part of that strategy, has been accumulating massive amounts of silver and they will continue to do that. This is one reason that silver is certainly headed to three digits.
Another thing about China is they have no tax on gold bullion. There is a tax on jewelry and numismatics but China does not tax gold bullion. This means gold is already a de-facto currency in China....
“The implication for gold, given that it is becoming currency in China, given the fact that the Chinese government is doing everything they can to encourage their populace to own it, given that it is the only currency that has a chance of appreciating along with materials over the next three to five years, gold is just something that you’ve got to own.
Gold is certainly going to be part of any future reserve currency basket, that and the Yuan. I don’t think the dollar is going to make it (in the basket). China remains an extraordinarily strong competitor.
We’re fighting a war with China and they are armed with bazookas, tanks and everything else and we have a rubber knife, that’s the situation. Someone in our government has to wake up before it’s too late, if it’s not too late already.
As these commodities run up in price it’s going to be become ever more inflationary. Commodities are going to become an even larger part of the economy as a whole. Energy is already about 9% of the US economy.
We are already seeing inflation running close to 4%. Producer prices, the last print there, was over 6%. The trend going forward for inflation is going to be dramatically upward. It’s deflationary for the economy because it’s taking money out of the pocket of the consumer.”
James Turk Report - Why Gold Will Go Above $11,000
By James Turk, Founder & Chairman of GoldMoney
One of the most trusted models that I use to value gold is my Fear Index, about which I have written extensively. Another trustworthy model is my Gold Money Index, which values gold based on its historical role as international money and global numéraire. Here is the formula.
The following chart illustrates the usefulness of this index.
Thereafter, the gold price began to rise, but gold’s fair price remained above the actual price until 1974. By then gold had become overvalued, with its actual price exceeding its fair value. Gold had reached a point marking the first peak in that decade’s bull market in gold. At the January 1980 peak, which is also clearly seen on the above chart, the actual price again rose above gold’s fair value. The level of overvaluation reached by gold of course was not sustainable. Its price fell back, but remained above fair value until 1984. Gold has been undervalued ever since, as is clear from the following chart, which uses the data from above to show the degree of relative valuation. In other words, this chart presents, as a percent, gold’s actual price divided by its fair value.
We today look back at the Tulip Bubble, Mississippi Bubble and the South Sea Bubble with smug amusement and ask ourselves laughingly how could the people back then have been so foolish. No doubt people generations from now will look back at the present era of government-issued fiat currency and ask themselves the same question.
Because gold is money, its value cannot be measured with the standard techniques used to evaluate investments. Gold is not an investment because it does not produce any cash-flow. It is a sterile asset. Consequently, gold does not create wealth, nor for that matter, does any national currency create wealth. Currency in all its forms – whether fiat or gold – is wealth, held in the form of deferred purchasing power. This store of value function is one of any currency’s most important tasks.
So when the price of gold rises, wealth is just being transferred to people who own gold away from those people holding the national currency being used to report the rising gold price. Wealth is simply being re-shuffled – as I like to say – to its rightful owners, namely, those who choose wisely among the different currencies available in which to hold their liquidity needs. Their wise choice is simply a matter of recognizing which currencies are overvalued and which are undervalued, so they own the latter and avoid the former.
The following chart illustrates the usefulness of this index.
There are two prices for gold in this chart, the actual price and its “fair value” price, which is calculated by the above formula. Back in the early 1960s when the dollar was still thought to be “as good as gold”, gold’s actual price was above its fair value. In other words, central banks had adequate gold reserves on hand relative to the quantity of dollars and other national currencies circulating in international commerce. But that relationship began to change by the late-1960s.
Because the dollar was being debased, gold’s fair price rose above its actual price, meaning that gold was undervalued. In other words, gold was worth more than the $35 per ounce fixed rate of exchange then prevailing. This $35 price could no longer be maintained because the dollar had become too debased and was overvalued, with the consequence that the dollar’s formal, fixed link to gold was finally abandoned in August 1971.
The above chart clearly illustrates the extent to which gold is undervalued. As of June 30th, the actual price of gold was only 13.0% of its fair value, barely above its all-time low of 10.3% reached in 2008. Alternatively, this chart is telling us that gold no longer is money, and my valuation method is useless. It has to be one alternative or the other. There are no other explanations to this huge difference between gold’s actual and fair price. In my view, the first alternative is correct.
Having filled the role of international money for 5,000 years, gold has been supplanted by fiat currency for the past 40 years because of government force. However, this nascent experiment with fiat currencies is not going well, as evidenced by growing global imbalances, unchecked increases in debt and financial derivatives, ongoing debasement of currency purchasing power and worsening monetary turmoil. Fortunately, the attributes that made gold money in the first place have not disappeared or been lost; they have only been ignored or forgotten, with the consequence that gold’s unique usefulness as money remains. This usefulness is being rediscovered, as evidenced by gold’s rising price this past decade.
Despite this remarkable rise in the gold price, it is clear from the above chart that gold’s undervaluation has barely budged for more than a decade. The reason of course is the growth in the quantity of national currencies held by central banks (the numerator in the Gold Money Index) is rising about the same rate as the weight of gold held by central banks (the denominator in the Gold Money Index). So gold remains tremendously undervalued.
The logic of the Gold Money Index is founded on one underlying principle – gold still is money. Things have value because of their usefulness, and gold’s value comes from its usefulness as money. It is money because the free-market makes it money. Consequently, governments cannot stop gold from having value, nor even stop gold moving in time from its present undervaluation to a fair valuation, which is presently over $11,000 per ounce.
黃金方面,本週五有消息稱中國近期乘黃金回調之際正在大量購買黃金。而國際市場上只有紙黃金出售,用於保持美元穩定。截至2011年9月26日,第三期《央行售金協議》(CBGA3)已期滿兩年。簽署該協定的歐洲各國央行本年度到目前為止總計售出黃金1.1公噸,為自1999年簽署該協議以來最低的年度銷售量。根據現行協定,協議國每年總共可出售400公噸黃金。有報導說儘管出售上限設在400公噸,但在本期協議生效的首個年度,歐洲各協議國均對售金表現出遲疑態度,實際出售量僅7.1公噸。過去一年中,協議國黃金實際銷售總量達53.3公噸,其中額外售出的52.2公噸來源於國際貨幣基金組織有限的黃金銷售計劃。國際貨幣基金組織已於去年12月完成該黃金銷售計劃。世界黃金協會政府事務總監娜塔莉·鄧普斯特(Natalie Dempster)表示,自金融危機爆發以來,歐洲央行的售金意願已經消弭殆盡。面對緊張的經濟局勢和動蕩的金融市場,央行亟需穩定其資金儲備,而黃金恰能發揮這一作用。新興市場央行在過去兩年間大量增持黃金的舉動也充分表明了這一點。總體而言,央行目前是大量買入的黃金淨買方。
黃金方面,本週五有消息稱中國近期乘黃金回調之際正在大量購買黃金。而國際市場上只有紙黃金出售,用於保持美元穩定。截至2011年9月26日,第三期《央行售金協議》(CBGA3)已期滿兩年。簽署該協定的歐洲各國央行本年度到目前為止總計售出黃金1.1公噸,為自1999年簽署該協議以來最低的年度銷售量。根據現行協定,協議國每年總共可出售400公噸黃金。有報導說儘管出售上限設在400公噸,但在本期協議生效的首個年度,歐洲各協議國均對售金表現出遲疑態度,實際出售量僅7.1公噸。過去一年中,協議國黃金實際銷售總量達53.3公噸,其中額外售出的52.2公噸來源於國際貨幣基金組織有限的黃金銷售計劃。國際貨幣基金組織已於去年12月完成該黃金銷售計劃。世界黃金協會政府事務總監娜塔莉·鄧普斯特(Natalie Dempster)表示,自金融危機爆發以來,歐洲央行的售金意願已經消弭殆盡。面對緊張的經濟局勢和動蕩的金融市場,央行亟需穩定其資金儲備,而黃金恰能發揮這一作用。新興市場央行在過去兩年間大量增持黃金的舉動也充分表明了這一點。總體而言,央行目前是大量買入的黃金淨買方。
次輪通脹效應現 失控升勢在眼前
一名經人 羅家聰,
時至今日,仍聞有些疑似做經濟研究的人指未見通脹壓力。這些人心目中,衰退就 一定無通脹。然而,若 Q 跌 P 就自動跌,即兩者 somehow linear,那供求圖毋須 P、Q 兩條軸,一條夠啦?這些人不是無讀書就是無讀通,不知 supply curve shift 可致滯脹。
有些央行夾粗來的,如聯儲局,指食品和能源等非核心通脹上升,核心通脹無升。 人講你就信,也是壞腦的。央行有影響市場心理預期的任務,故其言論必含大話,這是 by construction 的。不看數據就去信,不是頭腦簡單就是愛活在幻想當中,是無知的。
今次看看扣除食品、煙酒和能源後的核心通脹。你猜哪裏通脹壓力最大?將全球狂 印銀紙後核心通脹上升的一段 fit trend,extrapolate 至 2014 年初。綜觀圖一至五可見, 升速最快、壓力最大正是人人以為無通脹的美國;線性推斷,2014 年初可見 5.75%。
英國也不遑多讓,圖二所見,屆時可達 5.4%。更甚者,英國核心通脹升勢已維持 十一年,可見早已失控。歐元區的政策較為鷹派,故圖三所見,通脹僅由去年初起才現 升勢。那美國呢?政策鴿派又何以未如英國?因早年樓價大冧嘛,通縮效應非同小可。 至於世人以為無通脹壓力的日本、瑞士,圖四、圖五所見,核心通脹一樣呈現升勢。
有些央行夾粗來的,如聯儲局,指食品和能源等非核心通脹上升,核心通脹無升。 人講你就信,也是壞腦的。央行有影響市場心理預期的任務,故其言論必含大話,這是 by construction 的。不看數據就去信,不是頭腦簡單就是愛活在幻想當中,是無知的。
今次看看扣除食品、煙酒和能源後的核心通脹。你猜哪裏通脹壓力最大?將全球狂 印銀紙後核心通脹上升的一段 fit trend,extrapolate 至 2014 年初。綜觀圖一至五可見, 升速最快、壓力最大正是人人以為無通脹的美國;線性推斷,2014 年初可見 5.75%。
英國也不遑多讓,圖二所見,屆時可達 5.4%。更甚者,英國核心通脹升勢已維持 十一年,可見早已失控。歐元區的政策較為鷹派,故圖三所見,通脹僅由去年初起才現 升勢。那美國呢?政策鴿派又何以未如英國?因早年樓價大冧嘛,通縮效應非同小可。 至於世人以為無通脹壓力的日本、瑞士,圖四、圖五所見,核心通脹一樣呈現升勢。
香港?聯匯好吖,將美國政策照單全收,難怪核心通脹早已失控。統計處無報核心 通脹,識計嗎?
上 周金價最高只彈升至1694.7元(美元.下同),完全無意挑戰1703元的關鍵阻力,後大幅回跌至1603.6元,但終可回揚至1642元收市,全周下 跌2.25%。同周銀價更止步於32.66元,與關鍵的回升阻力33.52元相距仍頗遠,後明顯回跌至29.93元,不過終可回彈到31.40元收市,全 周下跌2.36%。 換 言之,金銀兩市的走勢在十字路口繼續徘徊,升似無力,跌亦不願,取向依然未明。有趣的是接受查詢的大行分析員,有二十四位作出回應,其中十一位認為本周金 價將會回升,但有十位認為下跌,看好與看淡人數幾乎相等。更有趣的是,前周作回應的二十五位分析員,其中二十一位看上周金價回升,此已被證明是錯的。
有 分析意見認為,金銀兩市現正處於一個頗大規模的去槓桿化階段。以期金市場的淨倉量(COT)變化為例,截至上周二,大投機者所持的淨好倉量只剩下相當於 394.9噸黃金,比今年8月初高峰的768.8噸,大幅縮減了48.63%,目前此淨好倉量是減縮到2009年初時的水平。
但 另有分析意見認為,大投機者淨好倉減少的另一面是業者的淨淡倉亦相應減少,這是利好的訊息。以在這方面表現極端的期銀市場為例,截至上周二,業者(銀商) 的淨淡倉量只及今年2月中的17.9%,該淨淡倉量對未平倉合約總量的比率降至10%,為當今牛市期以來的最低水平,牛派認為這是極端利好的訊號。
敝 欄提醒各位,不宜單以上述數字來判斷市場是否繼續去槓桿化,或者這將是一個大升浪的最佳起點。以期銅市場為例,大投機者和業者的淨倉量在兩個月前均降至接 近零水平,到9月竟然出現角色互換,投機者變為淨沽家,業者變成淨買家!這是一個市場由牛轉熊的勢態,我們要密切關注金銀市倉量變化的發展。
金 銀價格經上周先跌後升的演變,使圖表上一些短期形態的參考意義減退,也暗示暫時不會出現大幅的單向變動,即稍後還將是在相對於月前的較低價位水平範圍內上 落徘徊,直到上文說的倉量變化和消息發展有一個較明朗傾向為止。換言之,預期金市暫仍維持在1583元至1695元之間上落,日內看1600元是一個心理 支持水平,而1665元則有回升阻力。中短期金價必須重返及站穩在1703元之上才能擺脫目前偏淡的市勢。至於銀市亦暫維持在28.42至33.52元之 間上落,日內看30元是一個心理支持水平,而33.2元有回升阻力。
【明報專訊】美國聯儲局副主席耶倫(Janet Yellen)昨出席研討會後表示,美國未來可能需要推出第三輪量化寬鬆的貨幣措施,她指目前美國經濟復蘇的步代,是緩慢得令人失望,歐債危機對美國金融機構將帶來額外壓力,兼且料美國未來數月的職位增長仍然「呆滯」,經濟前景令人憂慮。
Ron Paul: "Blame The Fed For The Financial Crisis"
- Read the full article here:
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Teach Your Children Mandarin
Sovereign Silver Buying, Middle-East Shortages
On the heels of KWN reporting the Chinese buying massive amounts of gold yesterday, King World News has now interviewed the “London Trader” to get his take on the situation in silver. The source stated, “The price of silver has no reality to the paper market at all, absolutely zero reality there anymore. There is extraordinarily tight supply right now in Asia. When you order silver there is so little available at these prices, that’s the trouble. You can order it all day long, but you are going to have to wait for it.”
The London Trader continues:
“Chances are you are not going to get quantity at this price. If people have physical silver they are not selling it at these levels. Supply/demand is tight and you know there is a big wait involved in getting your silver. If I put in an order for tonnage, I have to find a wholesaler that actually can source it at this price and then there is the significant wait time.
On a side note, there is a man in the United States stating publicly that there is no shortage in silver and to go to his silver group where he can get buyers all the silver they need. That is patently false. This same individual said silver was overvalued at $14. I deal in the physical market every day and I can tell you what he is saying is false.
Much of this misinformation is out there because they do not want to have panicked buying from end users because it would send the price of silver skyrocketing. The end users only use a fraction of silver in their products so it is not an issue of cost, but rather if there is a delay in delivery....
“As soon as we see a delay in shipments to end users they will race each other to stock up. This will send the price of silver through the roof and break the backs of the silver shorts. It has already been made public that a firm in Canada had to wait three months for a 15 million ounce order. It was also made public that much of the silver they received was refined after the initial order was placed. So that is the actual fact, that is how tight the silver market is today and has been for some time.
All of the sudden the game has changed because you have actual investment demand increasing exponentially vs industrial demand, competing against industrial demand to buy. All of these sovereign entities buying silver know it's manipulated. There are shortages in the Middle-East in silver, generally it's an incredibly tight market on the physical side. In Shanghai we are seeing $1.50 premiums on silver and that's every single day consistently.
The tightness in the market is the reason why when the Chinese buy massive tonnage of silver they have a long wait to receive physical delivery. The end users are in line in front of them. So now the silver market is on a razor’s edge because they are trying to make sure the industrial users get their silver, otherwise all hell breaks loose.”
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